SERVAMP with QUIRKS!!! pt1

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Pro-hero! : The Claw hero : ScarCat! (Kuro)

His Quirk : Claws!!

From his name,you can tell that he have some VERY SERIOUS claws there. Anh yeah! From ScarCat's fingers,he can summon a hand-full of sharp claws! They are so long and sharp that even a tiny motion it can even split a villian in 2! However,this is a time-limited quirk! But if he got enough sleep,his time-limit boosted up 20 more minutes!!!

U.A student 2nd year : Shirota Mahiru! (temporary hero name : Sunshine!) 

His quirk : Rays!!

He can shoot rays from his hands!!The brightness is activated depending on his condition! If he reaches maximum?! The villian or anyone who are victimized are blind permenetly!!Each time he attacks,he feels really good after that! Speaking of rays?He can also makes object from solar energy,but he'll feel real sick after that!

U.A student 3rd year and part-time hero! : The blood hero : Dracula!! (Hugh)

His quirk : Vampire!!

He can do whatever a vampire can do! His strength can be increase every time he consume  just 2% blood! He can turn into a bat and so on!! He also have a mini-power that is"Seducing or controlling womens" but he's pure gay so it's kinda useless for him actually. He can also,like the villian Himiko,tansform into the person that he got blood from!!

U.A student 1st year : Tetsu Sendagay!! (temporary hero name : Imposi-strength)

His quirk : Strength Controll!!

He can controll his muscle as well as his strength! Like : Is he molds his hands like a normal boys,well you can't look don on him,although his arms are molded to be weak,his only punch can make you fly toards the wall! Right now he can mold his hand weak or his normal hands shape and can only controll 0-50%!!

Pro-hero! The doll hero : Puppet-tear!! (Mikuni)

His quirk : Voodoo!

He always carry himself a doll! Reasons?! Well, if he takes the villian's or a person's DNA,he can attache that DNA (for example : hair,saliva,...) to the doll,and...TORTURES IT!!!. Yes! If your DNA is on the doll,you're doomed! Because whatever Puppet-tear is doing with the doll,you will feel that too! As expected from an 5th hero of the Top 10!

Pro-hero! The bullet hero : Un-masked (jeje)

His quirk : Flesh-shooting

He can shoot bullets from his hands!! Crazy huh?! On his fingers have tiny holes for the bullets to come out!!And remember,this isn't just bullets! They're FLESH bullets!!! The bullets are made from his blood and flesh,they're fast,deadly and..kinda gross at the same time!! Un-masked is the 10th hero!!not just fame,people are still theorize about his face....

U.A teacher and Pro-hero! : The poetic one : Romeo!! (Lawless/Hyde)

His quirk : Story-telling!!!

It may sounds useless! But it can be one of the most powerfull quirk!! You see,when he says something,it'll happen to you,REAL!!!! For example : If he tells you that you'll get killed by a car crash,you WILL get killed by a car crash!!! Amazing? Totally! Scary? Well,yeah! He's currently teaching literature for 2nd year!! As expected!!

U.A student and part-time hero!! The  angel : Micheal II (Licht)

His quirk : Angel Wings!!

Claming this is a 2nd generation of pro-hero Hawks,Micheal II have himself an ENORMOUS pair of angels wings!! But the feathers here are very special!! Sure,much like Hawks himself, he definitly can fly from an crazy distnce from the ground!!! But his feather can make weapons!! Knifes,scythe,katana, name 'em!!

Pro-hero! The Lust hero : Lily!

His quirk : Aura!!

Having a similarity of pro-hero Midnight, Lily also can release Aura form his body!!! But not just Midnight's somnoburst, Lily have TONS of auras coming from his body!! From toxic to illusions! And of course...appordisiac!But unlike Midnight herself, Lily's aura DO coming for his normal clothes,so he wears fine hero costume.

U.A student 2nd year student : Misono Alicein !!!(temporary hero name : Clockwork)

His quirk : Time controll!!

He always have himself a pocket-watch to activate his quirk!!! Usually,he can acticated using normal hands,but the watch is more sensable for using the quirk,take Aoyama and his belt as an example!! He can fast-foward or stop time!! Now he's practicing to slow down time! Good luck,Misono!!!

Oh boy!!! I'm done pt 1!! Tsubaki,Sakuya and others are gonna be pt 2!!
I think I love Mikuni and Licht's quirk the most,I also like Mahiru's
Before that,I thought about getting Kuro a sleep-quirk,but it doesnt suits him for fighting,he also like Aizawa,lazing all the time and doesnt like to be famous.

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