Dear Diary

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SORRRRYYY!!! I DID NOT POST THIS FEAKIN STORY ONCE AGAIN!!!!!SORRRRYYYY FOR ALL OFF YOU ARE WAITING!!!! There's a Servamp story ready to launch in a few weeks, and this is BNHA, I'll not talk about the plot so keep guessing, it's really easy anyway :3






Day 25/1

Hullo!! It's me, Deku! It's been a while, isn't it?! Still roamin' in the hero zone here! Eh? You're new to this journal??!! Let me catch you up then! Hi, I'm Deku, a villian that's specialty in free-hand killing. My quirk is "Parasite", quite cool eh? Actually, let me tell you my back story first :

I used to be a quirk-less boy at first, my life from child-hood to middle-school was terrible 'cause I got bullied by people in my class, especially Kacchan, my childhood friend. I was really lonely and felt really pathetic. But do not worry, because at that time, I met "All Might"! Ya know, that golden age hero who retired? He recgonized my pain so he gave (or handed me) his quirk "One for All", that quirk, I used to think, was awesome!!! It made me like some punching machine, I smash and smack every villian come to my way! Thanks to "One for All", I advanced to my dream school : U.A. I made many friends, have some moments and even know that I'm gay!!

All right, enough of these back stories, let me tell you why that sky's so dark right now in case you didn't heard of the news

Basically, the League of Villians had a new plan then they just broke my U.A class : 1-A and totally mind-broke us students. I don't mean "mind-broke" as in wiping memory giving that I still remember my back-story, I mean like they use some sort of machine that made our goal to become villians, and not heroes anymore. Their plan work -> school broke -> students turned villian and the principal (which's a rat) decided to leave school

Alright, let's introduce some of my pals : After the fuss about the mind-break machine, Class 1-A will be working together as a villian team, with some helps by Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi, we also invite some people from different classes. We uses codenames so nobody can recgonized us with them. We divide ourself into 5 teams : Assasins, Snipers, Spies, Killers and Providers. 

Kacchan, aka my BFF aka "Zero" is an assasin,  he still use his quirk "Explosion" so bast off people/heroes. One day, he used his power to maximum that he blew someone's head, crazy. He's the leader of our assassin team "Blood Bath" with "Red Riot" or Kiri-kun,aka "Zero's" first boifriend, "Chargebolt" aka Kami-kun, "Cellophane" aka Sero-kun and "Earphone Jack" aka Jirou-chan, a brief info :


ZERO : Assasin : That brutal assasin 

RED RIOT: Assasin : Do like a shark does, except, more brutal

CHARGE-BOLT : Assasin : 20.000 volts on the way to deathbeds!!

CELLOPHANE : Assasin : Bondage and cries are his pleasure

EARPHONE JACK (it's literily her quirk) : Spy/Assasin : She rapes people ears

Kacchan, here, is a strict leader. He forced his mates to have some harsh training, but becasue of those experince, the team was able to be pros of assasins. Kiri-kun's a long red-hair guy and he's known for his friendliness, he likes Kacchan, meat, sharks, menliness and slautering people cause he's a sadist. Kami-kun is different, after the mind-break macine, he's now more of a pessimistic person, quiet but only gets hype when shock someone, like an entertainment. Sero-kun is into bondage and smoking, I guess he tied people up in a certain style for reason, he and Kami-kun is a couple. Jirou-chan's the only girl here, her hair is longer though, but she's still a deadpan women. She and Kami-kun are now buddies. It was suprising that she didn't joined the Spy team.

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