My SUPER Power (short)

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I've been having alot of compliments like telling me smart and a good friends and that's it (;A;). But then, they didn't reliezed that I got myself this weird but cool "power". You see, in my life, I have situations that I made a mistake and then a classmate will caught, he/she will threaten me that he/she will tell the teacher, I was scared because that was one of the fears I got : "Detention" because I haven't got detention in my school life (phew). But then, miracle came, as the teacher walked and tell the class if anything's ok? They didn't report my guilt. Like thhey have forgot that mistake I did. You get it? : classmate saw I made mistake - threaten me that they would tell the teacher - then they forgot about it. I was relieved at that point but I was always prepared, I realiezed that miracle when I got 3 of that experience but I was prepared to see if anyone has a good memory. I really like that power I got, if you got the same story? GOod for you! :)

SO I'm working on chapters in my "Living Together" but it took so long?! Becasue of the Finals of semester 1 and homeworks, maths get the point. Anyways sorry it's short, thanks for reading, sorry it took so long



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