Threesomes, Foursomes, Polys and more...

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Aside from normal couples, I also like a relationship that contains more than 2 people. Mostly threesomes, of course. Now Threesomes are like a product form 2 ships/otp that you like : If you like Kuro x Mahiru but also Sakuya x Mahiru, then you'll like SakuMahiKuro. If you are interest in KiriBaku and TodoBaku (like me), you can receive a TodoBakuKiri (yes). So threesomes are a bit weird, until you get to..foursomes

I don't to talk trash about foursoems, but...yea, it's kinda weird. So 4-somes can have different ways, so that even makes it weird! But I still like foursomes, their really great and unique and "beautiful". But you gotta be tasteful about it : If I came across and foursome contained TodoBaku + Shoutoko, I won't hesistate to read it because those are my OTPs ( well i need to make sure if Baku and Toko are ukes) But if I step in a fanfics that has.....TodoDeku and (ugh) Kacchako, I won't read it cause those aren't my OTPS (don't get my wrong, it's my opinion, you do you, sorry that i offended your ships) so overall, foursomes are pretty good, but....gangbangs

Gangbangs are like more than 5 people doing together (i don't know there's a penta-some? but whatever), it's akward yes, it can have intense scenes in some situations. LIke, can you imagine Servamps gangbang each other? I wonder if they'll go after Freyja, unless Freyja's a male?! So some gangbangs had different ways : maybe there's guys and 1 girl or viceversa, maybe there's a one-man gangbang (Shouji, i'm looking at you) or anything. 

The last I wanted to share to you is "Polyamory", this is sometimes good but sometimes akward (for your understanding : Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, with more than one partner, with the of all partners involved) meaning is "everyone loves eachother", like if you're in a threesome and a ploy, you're not gonna do the love triangle thing. You and the other 2 poeple eachother. Polyamory can be use in many situation, from three to gangbangs. But like foursomes and threesomes or even gangbangs, you gotta be tasteful about it : If you want me to read a ploy of : TetsuxMisonoxMikuni, I would love too read (I still minorly ship Tetsono), but again, I wouldn't want to read a IdaxDekuxTodo poly (sorry for offending your otp)

Anyways that's all for today, if you have a threesome or foursome or gangbangs or a poly u love, please write it down in the comments so I can know your interests. I'm sorry if I offended any of your OTPs here, for people who shipped TodoDeku or IdaDekuTodo....i'm sorry. Sorry for posting late because, I don't know if I mention this, but I got school so I can't post oftenly like I did. Also I''m working with "Living Together" newest chapter and for Vocaloids + Servamps fans, I'll write a chap with Servamps based on a Vocaloid song, it'll be long to write and to wait but hope it's worth it, anyways thanks for reading and enjoy~



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