Chapter 16

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POV Hunter

I did realize until now but the stories are true. Twins share a mate and thats Airanna.

Shes my mate. Uncle didn't know this thou not yet anyway.

POV Kyle

I watched them, I couldn't believe my own brother would do this. My Uncle well... he was just fucked up.

I watched as they stared at each other, I guess mind linking.

Slowly my Uncle left but not before saying.

"Make him scream"

He left leaving my brother and I alone

POV Airanna



Shit! this can't be happening if I lose Kyle. I don't think I will be able to control my powers and after everything I let him in my heart even after everything he still has my heart and now I may lose him.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and counted

1, 2, 3, open

And with that I had full control over my powers. My hair wiped around me like a rain storm as objects lifted from were they stood. I felt mesmerized as I had full control over everything. I loved this feeling but I had to focus at the task at hand. Kyle

Using all I had I put my focus to the door.


It opened I was amazed with what I had just did and would been jumping up and down if it wasn't for the screaming.

I had to hurry.


Hay so next chapter I think I may kill someone IDK yet Maybe I wont kill anyone....

Decisions. Decisions.

Bye : )

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