Chapter 20.

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POV Airanna

We have been walking for hours my tears have finally stopped but I still felt so.... empty.

"We should rest for the night. we should be far enough away." I was broken out of my thoughts with hunters deep voice.

I sat on the called floor as hunter dropped the sticks he had be picking up as we went. I was shaking and sweating at the same time, I felt so lost with out him. with that I began to cry. again

"SssHhh" a sweet voice whispered as I was pulled in to Hunters arm. I felt sparks when we touched witch only seemed to make me cry more as I knew I would never get to fell that with Kyle again.

I felt heat coming off to the side, i looked up to see a small fire. OH... thats what the wood was for.

"Tell me something" I whispered to Hunter wanting to hear his voice.

"Like what?" he replied

"Anything" my voices was a tinny, but I knew he heard.

"I like blue, black, sports, running mainly, wolves and food." Kyle liked those two, I thought then signed.

"Keep talking" I asked politely.

"There was a husband and wife. they were changing the password to the computer. the Husband typed in mycock. the wife started laughing because there was an error it was too small!" By the end o this Hunter and I were laughing our ass off.

I smiled up at him as I really need a good laugh.

"Thanks" I smiled

"Anytime princess, now sleep its been a long day" was his reply.

still in his arms i slowly drifted off to sleep.


I am SO SORRY! it took me for ever to update and its short : (

I will try and update faster next time an longer !!! Promise !!!

See ya : )

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