Chapter 19.

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POV Airanna

No. this cant happing I thought as I slid to the floor just in time t catch Kyle Im my lap. Sobbing as I bushed his dark hair out of his face.

"Im sorry" I sobbed as I cradled him into my chest.

"So sorry" I said full of grief and heartache as I watched as the light slowly had out of hi eyes.

"Trust Hunter, my brother" he said his voice raspy and dry, as I tried to stop the bleeding even thou I knew it was useless, as the life in him was fading.

"I love you" I whispered as I cried into his chest.

"And I love you." He whispered back as he griped my hand.

"Please don't leave me, I-I can't live with out you. Please" i sobbed harder as I griped his hand tighter willing him to live.

"I'm sorry" he whispered before his light left for good. He was dead, really dead.

I stated to sob onto his chest even thou I knew it wouldnt change a thing, because Kyle my light was gone. Dead as nothing was left of him except for his, hollow, empty corpses.

This isn't fair! I thought because it was true it wasn't fair if I had all these powers then why couldn't i save him. Why?


I looked up to see that the building was still coming apart, but I couldn't see him. I will kill him if I ever find him I will kill him as he is now my kill.

Looking back down at Kyle's body I wiped away tears as tears were not going to bring the dead back. I knew that already.

"We have to go." I looked behind me to see someone who looked exactly like Kyle. Hunter his brother I presumed.

Nodding my head I slowly got up and followed behind him. I looked behind to see Kyle's body lying their.

"I love you" I whispered before I started to cry even with all my willing I cried.

I cried at how unfair life was, I cried for how it was my fault, but most of all because Kyle was gone.


I'm sorry it took longer then I thought to write and for that Im SO sorry.

But here it is and thanks guys SO MUCH for reading!

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