chapter one

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A/N - I'm gonna try something new, each chapter will be in either J's or M's pov, then visa versa for the next chapter woo (sorry if that made no sense to you)


"LUKE WHERE THE FUCK IS MY UNDERWEAR." I yelled from across the bus.


"LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS YOU BETTER TAKE OFF MY UNDERWEAR BEFORE I CALL YOUR MOTHER." I yelled and silence followed. A few minutes later he showed up, my underwear in his hands.

"Here, don't call my mum." He muttered.

"Whatever, I probably wouldn't of anyways." I took it from him, throwing it on my bunk.

"Where's Ash and dipshit?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Dipshit isn't his name, why do you hate him so much? I think they went out to some club to act like they're straight." He mumbled.

"He doesn't exactly like me either."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Silence followed . "Michael, how about we go find some girls to have some fun with?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're so fucking sick, Hemmings. And not in a good way."

"Oh c'mon, it's no harm Mike!"

"I'm not doing it, Luke." I shook my head at him, pulling out my phone and clicking on the twitter app.

"Dude, you never go anywhere! You can't stay hung up on Jacey forever." He scolded, folding his arms across his chest.

I ignored him and decided to follow people while he rambled on about how J wasn't right for me and all that shit.

It hadn't really hit me until recently how much just a follow from me could mean to these girls. Sometimes I just wait after I follow them, I love seeing the reaction pictures of them.

None of the fans really know about my whole situation, being without parents, anxiety, or the facility. Every time we're asked about our past I'm the one that goes silent, usually lie and say I had a good childhood, that my parents are great, I'm great.

But it's all a lie.

I still have nightmares, but now they're different. Usually J is incorporated in it, making them even worse. I shake a lot when we get into mobs, only a few fans have noticed it and I just tell them it's because I'm nervous.

"Fine whatever, suit yourself," Luke gave in, "I'm going out." And with that I was alone once again in the tour bus.

I decided to go through dms, scrolling randomly and clicking one.


"Brb gonna ask calum how to translate that"

"I don't know if I can make it.."

"Keep your head up princess, your tiara is falling :) you'll be fine, just keep going. love you with all my heart♥"

"I love you so mucbsndbdb"

"I love you tooshakdhags"

By the time I answered about ten I was smiling like an idiot and hundreds more were coming in every second.

"I love you all so so much, so thankful for all of you. I would hug every single one of you if I could ♥ " I tweeted, smiling and closing out of twitter and drifting off to sleep.


"What the fuck is this Michael?" Calum shoved the screenshot of the dm to me and I couldn't help but start laughing.

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