chapter eleven

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"You still eat Cheetos?" A small smile tainted J's lips as I pulled the bag of Cheetos from my bag.

"Well, duh."

She rolled her eyes playfully at me. She looked slightly confused as she looked around the small hotel room.

"Something wrong?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it quickly. She hesitated before answering, "it's just really, just ... There's only one bed in here."

"Are you still with that Blake guy? I can easily get another room with two beds, I can get you a totally different room-"

"Michael," she interrupted my rambling, "I'm not with Blake... He um... Is a drug dealer..."

"Oh." I deadpanned.

"So... Should we get another room?" I asked after a few seconds.

She shook her head , "it'll be fine, it's a big bed anyways."

A small smile formed on my lips as I climbed into the bed beside her.

"So... How's the touring been?" She asked quietly.

"It's been... Interesting. Mobs and things are insane but otherwise it's really good." I replied honestly. She just slowly nodded.

I hadn't noticed how close she was until now, her head was almost resting on my shoulder, her head cocked slightly upwards so she could look up at me.

I could practically feel her breath on my face as I stared at her lips, her beautiful pink lips.

At this point I probably should of aborted and scooted away. After all we'd just seen each other for the first time basically since we broke up. But God, I missed kissing her so much.

It automatically felt like a thousand fireworks went off inside me as her lips met mine for the first time in months.

It would be so awesome if I could have grown gills so I'd never have to pull away.

But I'm not a fish therefore I don't have gills.

I couldn't help but feel a little giddy as I noticed the smile on her face as I finally pulled away.

Eventually we ended up in our normal position. Me just low enough to be able to have my head in the crook of her neck, that little giggled escaping her lips from time to time when my hair would tickle her neck.

"Hey Mikey?"


"Do you still have Daniel?"

"Of course,"


"Why would I get rid of him?"

"I-I don't know, I just figured since you're all punk rock now you don't need your little stuffed animal," a hint of humor lit her voice.

"Who says punk rock guys can't have stuffed animals?" She giggled at my response.

"No one, I guess.."

"Hey J?"


"Do you still have that playlist I gave you?"

"Of course."

"Really?" I sounded a bit more excited than I intended.

"Mhm, I fall asleep to it most the time."

"What's your favourite song on it?"

She was quiet for a couple seconds, thinking. "Probably Stay."

I just smiled a little, which she couldn't see since I was still hiding in her neck.

"Hey J?"


I pulled away from her neck, laying my head on the pillow. She sat up, propping herself on her elbow on the bed.

It kinda reminded me of at the facility, how we used to lay like this. Obviously the bed was way smaller there and it didn't smell like French Vanilla but whatever.

"I want you to come on tour with me,"

A/N- so this was a short chapter nd no smut but HEY THEY STILL AREN'T OFFICIALLY TOGETHER SO CALM YOURSELVES

there will probably be smut eventually but probably not at least until chapter twenty

but they are getting closer to getting together so YAAAAY MACEYYYY !

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