chapter nine

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"You and Zayn seemed to get along well," Luke stated quietly from his bunk. Ash and Cal had went out, leaving me with Luke probably most the night.

"Yeah, he's cool I guess," I replied, shifting in bunk hoping it'd make him shut up.

"You aren't the only one heartbroken, by the way.." He said quietly, and I turned back around.

"What happened to Iz anyways?"

"I-I don't know.. After her mum passed away she became... Different.... It was strange. She claimed I've changed, from the fame... So she broke it off.... " he trailed off, I could hear him lightly sniffling.

"That's bullshit, you haven't changed at all."

"I know, but according to her I did."

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't apologize, Mike. It's fine, i'll be fine. "

There was a moment of silence. This is my favourite time, around 3 am, no screaming of girls, no giggling, not much talking, just silence. I miss having that silence as often.

"Have you talked to Jacey recently?" Luke interrupted my thoughts.

"I-uh, a couple days ago... She said she'd think about coming to the show."

"What about the stadium tour?" He questioned.

"Guess it just depends on how this show goes."


"Mikeyyyyyyyyy wakek uppp, " I woke up to the hazel eyed boy staring straight at me, shaking my shoulder.

"We're meeting up with the 1D boys again today, the tour starts in about a week. " Ash announced as i got out of my bunk and rubbed my eyes.

"Where are we meeting them at?" I asked Luke as we made our way to the van.

"I think Zayn's house," He replied.

I felt my hands starting to shake as multiple girls were already surrounding us, pulling out their phones and shoving various gifts at us. The screams were already ringing in my ears. I tried to stay as close to Luke as possible but he was soon lost in the big crowd.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder and turned to find... Calum? He stayed silent, pushing through the rest of the fans until we were in the van.

He gave me a small grimace as we got settled in the car but quickly turned his attention to Ashton, who was talking and giggling about some build a bear that a fan gave him.

Luke turned around in the passenger seat, glancing at me, but looked away quickly. Probably hoping I didn't notice.

It somewhat pisses me off that he thinks he has to "check" on me. I'm older than him, I think I can handle myself...

Plus it would only help if it was J.

Stop, stop, stop. No, I can't do this. Don't do this. She doesn't want you. She never did want me. She just felt sorry for me. She pitied me.

I was shaken from my thoughts as Cal tapped my shoulder lightly, signalling we were here.

The house was beautiful, large with tons of glass windows and flowers lining the walkway to the door.

A blonde girl answered the door, fitting the description of Zayn's fiancé, Perrie.

"Hey guys! C'mon in," she smiled sweetly as she welcomed us in.

"The boys are outside playing FIFA.. Except Zayn, I think he's in the graffiti room," she exclaimed as we walked in.

I felt a bit lost as the other three boys went toward the back door. I personally never have been huge on FIFA.

"I'm guessing you're looking for Zayn," I looked up at Perrie, "I'll show you where the graffiti room is,"

"You're... Michael, right?" She asked as she led me down the hallway.

"Y-yeah." I scratched awkwardly at the back of my neck.

"Zayn seems to like you," she said quietly and stopped at the door at the end of the hall, knocking lightly.

"Come in," I heard Zayn and she opened the door, revealing Zayn sitting cross legged on the floor, sketching something.

"Hey Mike, " Zayn waved me over and I sat beside him. Perrie disappeared, closing the door behind her.

"How's it going with that girl?" He kept his eyes on the sketch paper as he spoke.

"Um I.. Haven't talked to her...." He shook his head at me almost instantly.

"You need to talk to her man, " his eyes met mine for a couple seconds before looking back down, "when's the show anyways?"

"Like a week or something maybe, not completely sure. It's the last show before a month break, then the tour with you guys," I replied quietly.

He nodded. Silence soon filled the room and I felt at peace for the first time in a while. I took the chance to look around the room at the various graffiti on the walls.

"You're really good at this, Zayn," I kept my eyes on the wall, scanning each word.

"It helps me relax a bit, sometimes the screaming and mobs get to me.." He replied quietly.

I felt relieved. At least I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.



"Do you ever just sometimes ... wish you didn't get this far? Have you ever wondered what it'd be like or... Where you'd be... if you didn't get into the band? "

I shook my head slightly,

"Not really, I know exactly what I'd be doing if I didn't get this far. I'd be doing nothing, I am nothing without this band. Before the band I never felt like I had any talents, I'd just.... Sit... And mope.... I didn't really have any other options.." I replied honestly, careful on what to say. He can't know about the facility, not yet.

He nodded understandingly. "Yea... I don't know.... I've always had an interest in art, but this band is exactly the thing for me. "

"At least you have another talent," I said quietly.

"Hey, no, no, don't be like that. I'm sure you have tons of other talents. " he replied quickly. I shook my head, looking down at the ground.

"What about video games? Louis said Luke told him you're great at them,"

"Luke said that?"

He nodded slowly, a small smile forming on his face.

"Luke also said you know how to treat a girl, way better than him. He said he thinks it's stupid you and Jacey broke up. He wants you back together. "

"Luke doesn't even know what he's saying half the time. At one point called Ashton hot," I said and Zayn's eyes widened, looking up from his sketch.

"They kissed once he said, when Cal was in the hospital. Claims it was just an in the moment thing, not sure i believe him. "

"When did he tell you?" Zayn questioned, now interested.

"About a month or so ago, he said him and Ash haven't talked about it since that day. "

The room quickly got quiet.

"I don't think Luke was lying about wanting you and Jacey to get back together," Zayn said after a while, "He said he kinda misses seeing you guys doing cute shit."

A/N- this was a terrible chapter bc filler but the next one will be when you find out who's at J's door AND possible the show...?

If you don't understand Sydney got tickets for just their show, they're still trying to convince J to go to WWA.

10 votes nd 10 comments for an update !!

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