chapter two

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A/N- this chapter is taken place the night before the last chapter, this is an inlook on everything that happened on J's date and her actual thoughts:)


A knock on the door at 8pm sharp arrived and I took a breath before opening the door to a clean shaven Blake.

"You look beautiful as usual, Jacey." His white teeth showing as he smiled, dimples showing on his cheeks.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I blushed as I looked at him, my nerves already kicking in.

"Shall we?" He smirked as he held out his arm for me to link mine with. I did so and we made our way to his Challenger.

As we got into the car and the radio turned on I was disappointed when Mayday Parade definitely wasn't playing, some hip hop like music was.

But then again maybe something new for a change may be good? I attempted to seem content as we drove, making small talk until we got to the theatre.

It sucks how everything seems to remind me of Michael, like our first official date at the theatre. Even a bag of Cheetos makes me want to cry.

"Are you okay?" His voice was quieter and sincere.

"Mhmm." I tried to reassure with a smile but I know he didn't believe it, he just thankfully ignored.

The movie was nice but really sappy, making me almost cringe at some points. Afterwards we went on a small walk, I made sure to keep my hand as far from his as I could.

Soon enough he began asking typical questions you ask when youre interested in someone. (Hobbies, Peeves, etc.) I answered quite easily until one dreaded question was asked.

"How long was your last relationship?"

I bit at my lip, focusing on keeping tears from coming.

"I uh.. A-about half a year or so." I tried to sound over it but even he could tell I wasn't.

"What's he like?"

"He um.. He.. " I trailed off taking a ragged breath before continuing.

"He'.... Talented, very talented. He can sing a-and play guitar.. He 's got an good sense of humour but is kinda sensitive due to his past... But I guess he was ready to get over the past and.. Move on to bigger and better things."

He nodded slowly, taking in all I said. "What's he do for a living?"

"He's in a band now, they're getting pretty big apparently.. Suppose to go touring with some big boy band soon."

"Do you miss him?"

"A little." I answered halfway truthfully.

Truth is I miss him a ton, i haven't stopped missing him since the day we broke it off.

"Breakups can be really hard, but I'm sure you can find someone better, hm?" He nudged me lightly as small smirk playing on his lips.

I couldn't help but smile. "Maybe." Not..

I felt my phone going off as we made our way to the car, an unfamiliar number popped up and I ignored the call. Probably just a telemarketer.

Blake let out a small sigh as we pulled into my driveway. "I hope you had as much fun as I did."

I smiled, "I did have a lot of fun.. Thank you."

"No need to thank me, just wanted to take a beautiful girl out." He smiled back, leaning in until his lips brushed mine lightly.

I raised my eyebrows as he pulled away,

"what happened to no kissing on the first date?"

He smirked, "I don't believe in that rule."

When I got to the door my phone went off again and I answered it.


"Hi J."

A/N - so this was really shitty and short but oooOooh cliffhanger

p.s. I imagine Blake as Taylor Lautner (did I spell that right lol) ill add it to the cast thing later when I have access to a laptop.

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