chapter six

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"You what?" I almost felt betrayed by my own best friend, why would she do this?

"Jacey everyone knows you aren't over him, besides, he's not a bad guy, even you said so! Just talk to him a bit, get a sense of who he is and if he has changed." Sydney replied calmly.

"I don't know, what if people recognize me?" I asked worriedly. I don't want to get killed just because my ex is Michael Clifford.

"What are they gonna do? You'll be fine, Jacey. "

"What about Blake?" She rolled her eyes at my question.

"He's creepy Jacey, who cares? And he ditched you!" She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"He didn't ditch! He told me ahead of time!"

"By what? Two hours? PfT." I shook my head at her. She's got major attitude sometimes.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath.

The rest of the ride was filled with an awkward silence.

"Just be careful with Blake, alright? I don't want anything happening to you." Syd said sincerely before getting out of the car.

Ring. Ring.



"Hey! Blake! "

"Um I just wanted to apologize for ... Standing you up."

"No no, it's fine. You didn't mean to, you were just busy."

He let out a small chuckle. "Alright, thanks, Jacey. Um... How about you come to my apartment tomorrow? I have something pretty... Crazy planned."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Crazy good?"

"Y-yeah. You can say that." He sounded uncomfortable and it was making me nervous.

"Um.. Alright sure."

"Great," he said, sounding relieved, "I'll text you the address later." And he quickly hung up.

I didn't realize how late it was until I got home, Laila meowing loudly as I opened the door.

"Jeez, it's already midnight. You were home alone all day." I scooped her up and set her on the counter, getting her food from the cabinet.

As I put her cat food on the plate my phone started ringing.

Incoming call from Luke


"heeeeyyyy jaceeeyyyy" slurred Luke.

"it's midnight here Lucas what do you want?"

"W-what time is it here, Ash?" I heard ashton mumble in the background in response.

"It's one heree."

"You're drunk." I deadpanned.

"Just a wee bit." He giggled.

"Where's Calum? Is he with you guys?"

"You wanna talk to Cal pal? CALUM"

"Hiiiiii jaaceyyyy " Calum giggled and breathed heavily into the phone.

"Is Michael with you guys?"

"Well of course not." Scoffed Calum, "He refuses to drink even one drink."

I remember him briefly talking about his father being an alcoholic...

"Why did you call me, Lucas?"

"Just to see what you're doing jeezus." He answered.

"I was going to sleep," I lied.

"OhhhhH. Okay goodnight Jacey!!!"

I heard a couple more "goodnights" chime in before I hung up.

I sat down on the couch, turning on the lamp and eyeing my phone. Should I call him? No no. Should I call Blake instead? No, he's probably sleeping. I know Michael isn't asleep.

I sighed heavily before dialling the number. (Is it creepy that I memorised his new number already?) .

"Hello?" His voice was slightly deeper due to drowsiness. God he sounds hot.



"Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Is something wrong?" He suddenly sounded more awake.

"N-not really... Just been thinking a lot." I muttered.

"Thinking about..? "

"Us," I said, barely audible.

"What about us?"

"I-I don't know.. I guess I just miss you... A lot."

"I'm sure I miss you more. I feel like an idiot." He replied.

"Don't feel bad, it was the best thing to do... At the time.." I murmured.

"I guess... Fuck, it's just so hard to keep it together without you around." He sounded desperate.

"Keep it together?" I questioned.

"I just feel like I'm going insane.. I can't handle it much longer, J."

"Hey hey, don't say that! You're doing amazing. I think even I'd go insane with how famous you're getting." I replied quickly.

"I had a few fans come up to me earlier... Apparently you talked about me on an interview." I added quietly, fiddling with my hands nervously.

"Shit I'm sorry if they said anything rude J, they get so overprotective just don't listen to them,"

"It wasn't that bad. "

"What'd they say?"

"They said that you were heartbroken."

He was silent a few seconds. "Oh.."

"But um, I have a surprise for you?" I said, it came out more of a question than a statement.

"What is it?"

"I was going to tell your bandmates but they're wasted," I heard him chuckle,

"I'm going to your show in Cali."

A/N - this sucked but oh well it's still an update.

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Screams. (sequel to Silence.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora