chapter three

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"I um-sorry... I just...needed to hear your voice." I breathed in deeply, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"What time is it there?"

I looked at the clock on top of my phone.

"3:24 "

"In the morning?"

"Mhmm." I laid back in the pillow closing my eyes.

"What are you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same question." I replied.

"Well.. It's only one here." She said quietly.

"Are you having nightmares again?" She asked after a few seconds.


"So.. You decided to call me?"

"Pretty much."

"How'd you even get my number?"

"I never deleted it, I had to change mind because some stupid idiot named Calum decided to post it on twitter about a month ago." I heard her giggle and my heart fluttered. I missed that sound.



"I miss you."

She let out a small sigh and answered after a few seconds. "I miss you too."

"I'm sorry I was.. Am, a dick." I mumbled.

"It's not you Mikey, you're right anyways... Long distance probably wouldn't work." She sounded a bit saddened.

"I'm sorry.." I repeated.

"You don't have to apologize."

"A-are you gonna come to the show in a few weeks?" I asked, "We're gonna be in Cali.. "

"I don't know, I probably don't have enough money-"

"You don't need any, " I interrupted. "I can get you backstage and everything. Please just.. Just think about it." I pleaded.

"Okay.." She still didn't sound too persuaded.

"I should probably let you sleep.. I lov-

Goodnight J... " I hung up quickly, embarrassed.

She's not coming to the show; why would she? Sure she probably misses the other guys but she doesn't want to see me. Hell maybe I am just a fuck up.

No no, stop thinking. Stop.

I laid back, reaching for the small stuffed lion and clutching him to my chest.

Within a few minutes I drifted to sleep.


"Michael still sleeps with a stuffed animal, how cuuuute." Sneered Calum as I woke up to see him looking into my bunk.

"Go the fuck way you ching." I glared and he glared back before stalking away, complaining to Ashton probably. He's so fucking annoying.

"C'mon Mike, we have an interview today." Luke said. I groaned, climbing out of the bed, setting Daniel on the pillow.

To be honest I never actually could have imagined a year ago I would ever sing in front of anyone, especially not a huge crowd. I never thought I was that good at singing.

Never in a million years did I want to be considered famous, but that's where I ended up. I always liked to be out of the attention, not be noticed. I never really had a dream of what I wanted to be, other than not be considered a fuck up. But here I am, getting more famous everyday, and just feeling worse.

Radio interviews aren't that bad really, I like them better than normal interviews since there's no cameras most the time. Even if you're considered hot by hundreds of girls just those few that call you ugly gets to you.

(A/N- okay so the interviewers talking is in italics & m's is in bold :-) the rest of the interview is noted with which boy is talking.

"It's great to have you guys here today, here we have it the up and coming band Five Seconds of Summer."

"So tell me boys, how's tour going?"

Ash: it's been really fun actually, a big big experience for us all.

Cal: It's been great, we love seeing all the fam and being able to preform for them."

"Do any of the boys not get along too well? Is there some fighting that goes on?"

Luke: We all have our differences and we get in a few arguments here and there but we manage.

"Do you guys miss your family back home?"

Ash: I mean it's not too bad at this point because we're usually able to catch a break every month or two but um, you do get a little homesick now and then.

"The last one in the band was.. Michael? Correct? "


"Was it tough being the last one in the band? How'd you get introduced to these boys anyways?"

"I've definitely had to go through and I guess "earn my place" in the band. I um.. Met them through a mutual .. Friend, she was Luke's roommate at the time. "

"She! Was she your girlfriend?"

I could feel all then other boys staring intently at me. Don't blow it Michael, don't blow it.

"I-uh. Yeah for a while, yeah. " I nodded slightly, trying not to seem fazed by her.

"What's she like? Do you two still talk?"

I felt slightly uncomfortable over being asked about J but answered.

"S-she was, is a nice girl, beautiful, funny, incredible r-really... We've talked a couple times but..." I trailed off, mentally punching myself for stuttering so much.

"Sounds like you still aren't over her, hm? What happened?"

"I uh, we broke up because of touring and everything.. Didn't think long distance would work out."

"Aw that's a shame, you'll get her back someday, bud."

The interviewed looked at his watch.

"Well it looks like that's all the time we have for today, this was more of a Michael Clifford interview but we'll be sure to have the other boys talk more next time, have a good day, thank you everyone for listening!"

I let out an exasperated sigh as we went off the air. I walked over to Luke, leaning onto his shoulder and wiping the sweat from my forehead on his sleeve.

"Ugh gross, Mike." He groaned. "You know if you start talking to Jacey more you may have a chance." He said after a few seconds, pushing

"Doubt it." I mumbled, taking my head off his shoulder and wiping my eye.

"You look tired." He commented.

"Thanks, that's the look I'm going for." I replied sarcastically.

"Jacey told me she misses you." He said after a few seconds.

"I know."

"You know?"

"I talked to her last night."

He raised his eyebrows and perked up, suddenly more awake. "How'd it go?"

"Pretty shitty, it was only like five minutes and I'm pretty sure she likes that guy."

"Eh I doubt it, " He smiled slightly, "She loves you."

A/N - this was a sucky chapter but i will try to make the next chapter more interesting ? Idk just hang in there please ily

can this get to 6 votes & 6 comments and ill update?? <3

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