Part 1: Chapter 1

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Today was the day. The day I was finally allowed out of the house for something other than training. I looked out my window. The sun was just beginning to rise and it was beautiful. I wanted to admire it longer but I didn't have the time.

I slipped out of my room. My trainer, Trainer, was waiting for me. He gestured for me to follow him and slipped out of the house. I pulled up my hood, pulled my tail inside my pant leg and slipped out the door after my teacher.

I caught up in no time at all and walked beside him down the path that led to town. Most knew my trainer as the gym teacher at the nearby school. And I was his son that always hid. Today, I was going into town with my 'dad' because he needed my help teaching defense to the students.

I pulled a leaf off of one of the nearby trees and began to dissect it. It made me seem like I was distracted yet that was as far from what I was as someone could get. All part of my training.

We came to the main road that led to the school and began to stroll leisurely down it. Trainer was always the first person at the school. Mostly because of how early he got up in the morning.

We slipped into the gymnasium just as the rooster let out its loud call. That must be the thing that got the kids up early enough to get to school on time.

I sat in the back of the room in one of the darkest corners. I proceeded to blend into the landscape around me. My sweatshirt was designed to blend into any environment so that I could stay hidden. Not only that but I could sit still for hours on end making it all the more convincing.

About an hour later the kids began to arrive. Some of them went into the changing rooms and some into the school building itself. This must be the first class of the day.

The kids trickled in in pairs of twos or threes and all the while I just sat there and watched. I noticed their mannerisms and the way they moved so that I could figure out speed relation. This way, if I was forced to fight them, I could dodge.

"Hello class," Trainer said. "Hello Mr. Okulim," the kids said in unison. I never called him by his name because I didn't want to get attached.

"Today we're going to learn how to defend oneself from harm and I needed help for my demonstration." All the kids were watching Trainer with curiosity. I figured this must have been their favorite class or they wouldn't be that intrigued. Either that or they just wanted to beat each other up.

"Yuriki. Are you ready?" I sighed and stood up from my place in the corner. I had already figured out that most of the kids in front of Trainer were around my age. And the shock on their faces just told me they hadn't noticed I was there. I positioned myself next to but not too close to Trainer, a smile playing on my lips.

"Class, this is my son, Yuriki. He is going to be helping me out today." The kids watched me with looks of suspicion. I gave them a small smile and stationed myself facing Trainer. I positioned myself on the balls of my feet to make it easier for a quick escape.

He attacked me. I dodged and skidded to a halt across the room. I looked at him. I may be fast but Trainer knew my fighting style by now. He also knew I would do as he asked so that I could learn. Sadly that was not the purpose today and he stopped after that.

When I had found out what his fighting style was I was surprised. I hadn't thought that my teacher was so experienced. He beat me every time even though I knew what he was going to do before hand.

"Now, did anyone see how he moved so fast to get away from me?" Trainer asked. Only one person raised their hand. A girl who seemed the most attentive.

"Did he jump at the last second?" she asked. I shook my head. I looked to Trainer. Her face fell as he nodded to me. A boy in the back looked at her. He seemed to be sitting alone and he had walked in alone.

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