Chapter 4

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I was pushed back down the halls to the dungeons. I had stopped smiling and relaxed as soon as I was out of the presence of that freak. As for the guard he seemed to understand what I had done. He escorted me back to the dungeons and put me back into my cell. He didn't take off the chains though. I guess they made him feel safer.

I sat there for I don't know how long. The darkness had become absolute. It was pitch black and I was only able to see because of my cat eyesight. Guess that meant night had fallen once again.

"Yukinari? Where are you?" a voice whispered into the dark. I smiled as I looked at Helix. He was finally awake. The things I could see the best were the whites of his eyes.

"Come here Helix. Or can you not see?" I whispered into his ear. He grinned. He slipped his arms around my neck and pulled himself close. I didn't move so as not to allow him to realize I was chained now.

"Yukinari? You're quiet. I mean, I know you like to be left alone and that you don't really care for me but you usually make good conversation. And you're usually warm. What's causing you to be quiet and cold?" I looked at Helix. He was leaning against my chest. My arms were far enough away that he didn't feel the chains. I grimaced.

"Helix, whatever made you think I don't care about you? I push people away because if they get too close they get hurt. That's why I haven't been really close to you or anyone," I said. Helix snuggled closer and sighed.

"I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm not going to get injured because of you. If I get injured it's my fault and not yours. It was my choice to actually come," he said. I could feel tears sliding down my face. I carefully lifted my arms up and slid them around him. The chains hit his head and back while the cuffs rested against him. He cringed.

"What was that? What hit my head? Yuki?" he asked. It was my turn to cringe.

"The chains," I remarked. Helix pulled away his eyes wide. He reached back and touched my wrists. Then he reached for my ankles and I had to guide his hands to the chains. He moved one hand to his mouth.

"Oh god. Yuki I'm sorry. I didn't realize. Oh god," he muttered. I pulled him closer and whimpered. His eyes widened. I carefully nipped his shoulder. He let out a small gasp.

"Don't ever feel sorry for me. I deserve these chains. After all, I did threaten our captor. He deserved it though, for threatening to hurt you," I muttered into his ear. His arms twined around my neck.

"Thanks Yuki. For doing that for me. I didn't realize you..." he began to cry silent tears. I brushed my hand across his head. He buried himself into my shoulder and we stayed that way till we fell asleep.

When we awoke we were being dragged across the floor. I opened my eyes and looked behind us. Helix was just waking up as well. And I motioned for him to be silent. I knew where we were going. I closed my eyes and let my body go slack. I knew Helix was copying me.

A bunch of stairs were bouncing underneath us. When we reached the top I heard something like a knock on a door. The a very gruff voice saying, "come in."

We were dragged over the threshold of a door and into the room I remembered for I knew it was the quarters of our captor that we had been dragged to. Where else would we have been taken? We were thrown into the floor in front of something yet we continued to pretend to be sleeping.

"So. They didn't wake up? Even when you dragged them up the stairs?"

"No sir. They stayed passed out. I think dragging them was a bit overkill though," another voice said. It was the guard from yesterday. I heard steps. Then they stopped. I was just beginning to wonder what had happened when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I groaned. I guess kicking was how he wanted to wake us up.

"Wake up boy. You and your friend are nothing to me. The only reason you are still alive is because I want to hear more about the two of you. So get up!" I groaned and opened my eyes. I looked at the lord. I blinked a few times to fake blinking away sleep.

"I'm up my lord. Now would you please not kick me again?" I leaned over and shook Helix. "Come on Jeremy. You have to wake up now." He opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep away. Guess he knew not to be the same as me.

We sat there looking at the lord. He smiled cruelly. I was pulled to my feet. I felt a piercing pain in my arm. I bit my lip and Helix screamed. I knew that they wouldn't harm him. I grinned at the lord.

There was a man standing beside him. He had shoulder length raven black hair and piercing sky blue eyes. But what got me thinking this guy is bad news was the smile on his face. It was violent, like the one I gave the lord. He was also the one holding the knife, now covered in my blood. Guess the lord had asked for backup.

"Please! Leave him alone! Yuriki never did anything to you! And if he did he did it to protect me! Please! Stop this!" Helix shouted. I looked at him. He was asking to get slashed. The lord gestured for the man to do it too.

The knife fell, I moved. Breaking the guards grip was easy. It was getting in front of Helix in time that was hard.

I felt the sting of the blade as Helix screamed again. My legs gave out. Helix wrapped his arms around me. He wouldn't let go either. I looked up and saw the man retreating.

"Nobody. Hurts. Jeremy," I growled before I pounced, breaking Helix's grip. I knew I was giving myself away but he had tried to harm my friend. I couldn't forgive that.

I kept my tail and ears hidden but allowed my fangs and claws to show. I attacked the man with the blade and he was disabled really fast. I moved in front of Helix before the others could even think of using him against me.

"Yuriki," Helix whispered in awe. I looked at him and a grin spread across my lips. I wasn't going to let this man control us.

I attacked. The lord didn't last two minutes under my claws. As for the guard I left him alive. He didn't deserve to die. Nor did I blame him for doing as his boss had told him. I knew he would already be dead if he hadn't.

I prowled back to Helix and looked at him. He was looking at me in shock. But there was also gratitude. I used my claws to unlock my chains.

"It was the only way to truly free those who were under his rule. Nobody should use my name to bring fear to others," I whispered. I didn't feel like being loud. Nor did I think Helix would appreciate it. I turned, nodded to the guard, and left the room. When one lord was killed, the person who killed them became the lord of his lands. As lord, the castle we were in now belonged to me.

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