Chapter 16

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I slipped into the dining room and froze. I had been dressed and such before I even took one step outside my room yet it couldn't even compare to what I saw around me. So this family was really living large. I carefully took my spot at the table, careful not to disturb the conversation or the other members there.

"Ah! So you decided to join us! I never got to ask earlier but if you wouldn't mind telling us your name..." I held up my hand. I didn't need them to tell me that. I should have told them earlier.

"Helix. Helix Resli. Thank you for saving my life," I remarked. I looked around me to find wide eyes and looks of disbelief.

"If you need to call me something else call me Jeremy." That got nods from them. I guess that these people didn't think I could exist since it was said I too was dead. I thanked the master for the meal and began eating only after the hosts did as was proper. Showing good manners was one way to get on the masters good side. Especially now. I needed this place so I could regain my strength.

"Tomorrow I want you to teach my boys to fight," the master said to as we were enjoying tea after the meal. I smiled and nodded but warned him I knew nothing of how to use weapons aside from throwing daggers. He said that was fine so long as I could teach them as much as I knew. I nodded my head and smiled my most plascent smile.

When I was finally allowed back to my room I asked a servant to show me where the training area was indoors so that I wouldn't look like a fool wandering around trying to find it. The servant obliged. I thanked him after.

When he left me in my rooms I slipped on the most athletic clothes in the closet and made my way back there. I had to figure out how to move with my mostly numb limbs before tomorrow. If I didn't I might very well make a fool of myself.

I carefully slipped into the room and silently closed the door. I made my way to the middle and began to move, trying not to trip over myself. I guess it worked because I started slow and began to move faster and faster till I was moving at my usual rate. I sighed and calmed myself. If this was going to be my life for a while I might as well accept it.

"What are you doing?" a voice said. I whipped around. It seemed I had lost myself in thought. A young girl was standing there, her baby blue eyes sparkling in the light. I was drawn by those eyes. Not in a lovey dovey way but it was fascinating.

"I'm trying to get my balance back. And what may I ask are you doing up so late?" was my very well crafted response. The girl giggled and smiled at me.

"I'm Ridley. I liked what you were doing. Can you show me?" she asked. I nodded and carefully walked her through the calming steps slowly. She followed me calmly, her motions just as steady as my own if a bit more unsure. She smiled at me as she understood what I was doing. She followed me with more of a purpose now. I grinned and closed my eyes.

When we finished there was sweat on both of us but we were smiling like buffoons. I gestured for her to go ahead of me and ushered her to bed. I went to my own rooms and took a bath before climbing beneath the sheets.

I was up at the crack of dawn as was expected and already training when the boys walked in. I was focused on what I was doing but that didn't mean that I couldn't tell what was happening around me, unlike last night with Ridley.

I felt the air behind me bend and I moved, my feet seemingly almost barely touching the floor. I swung my leg around and knocked the boy off his feet.

"Lesson one: never underestimate your opponent, although I'm sure your father drilled that into you ages ago. Am I wrong?" I asked as I stood before the boys. I arched my eyebrows at them as they glowered at me. There father had asked me to teach them so I would, even if that meant breaking them down and building them back up again.

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