Chapter 22

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I heard a scream coming from outside. It's been two hours since Yuki left for town and Syrus and I had just finished catching up.

I stand up and run to the door. In my rush I forgot about Syrus but I'm glad he's right behind me when I get outside. The kids from earlier are dragging Yuki by his tail up to the house and I cringe. He tries to scratch his captors and I can see his head falling against his chest in despair when he can't do anything. I realized what must have happened. Yuki still had lots to learn.

I step down from the house and begin running toward them, the anger on my face scaring. I growl as my fist connects with one of the kids. I feel his nose shatter under my fist but I don't stop to see if he's okay. I keep going till Yuki is free from the kids. He leaps at me and gives me the biggest hug ever. His whimpering sobs are enough to make me break. But I don't. I don't because he needs someone to be strong.

I lifted my head up to look at Syrus. Guess the secret's out now. He kneels down next to me and wraps his arms around the two of us. I guess it didn't bother me because he was an old friend. Every now and then, having people who understand around is much better than having to figure things out all on my own. I vowed that from now on, I wouldn't let him outside the house unless he was training. No trips into town, no making any friends. No nothing. I didn't want to see him hurt again.

When I told Yuki, he agreed to it. I knew he would miss his freedom but he also saw the reason behind the suggestion. As for Syrus, he said it was okay. He was going to leave for home, tell everyone who was looking for me to stop. Get everyone off my tail and leave me alone.

I felt bad when he left but I knew it was his choice. He understood why I was doing what I was doing and why I had to leave to do it. Everyone else was going to have a harder time accepting it.

Syrus was the captain of the guard at the palace, just as I had wanted to become before Yuki was shoved into my life. I knew he was going to report to the king he had found me but that was okay. Yuki's training wasn't yet finished.

"Yuki, get to bed now. We have work to do tomorrow," I say. He nods his head and says, "Yes sir."

I let him sleep a little more than he should have but it was only for one day and he needed it after yesterday. I woke him up and made him walk with me to the river. He nodded his head when he saw what I had set up. I had to go teach today so he would be on his own once again.

I started him on the course and watched his first run, telling him what I needed him to do. He understood. I left after that, needinging to get to work on time. As I ran through the woods, I thought about those kids who had seen Yuki. They were in one of my class's today and they were going to get a scolding.

I stepped into the classroom and was greeted by multiple sets of eyes staring at me. I gave a soft smile and ran my hands through my hair. Sure, I knew having silver hair was weird but so was being an albino. I looked around the room and motioned for everyone to stand and begin stretching. They obliged but not without giving me suspicious looks. I knew why they were suspicious but that didn't mean anything to me. I was training my son to do what he had to, these kids wouldn't understand.

I set the kids up to practice defensive maneuvers. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked behind me. Speak of the devil. There was a boy standing there, long white hair with really pale skin. An albino. I looked at him as if he shouldn't be here because he shouldn't.

"What are you doing here kid? As far as I know you aren't in this class," I said. He gave a small nod to me in respect but I could see he was going to contradict me.

"My names Jeremy. I'm new. I enrolled yesterday. It says on my schedule that I have this class right now so here I am," he says. I nod my head to him. So that was the deal. He even showed me his schedule to prove it. I apologized to him for not having someone for him to work with. He said it was fine and went to do his own thing. As he moved I was impressed. This kid was good.

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