Chapter 8

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When I awoke we were still moving through the countryside. The only thing was, I was locked in chains. Again. Helix was beside me, his chains even tighter than mine.

I slid over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He groaned and looked at me. His eyes had a milky layer to them. I whimpered and leaned my head against his.

"Helix," I muttered into his hair. He slipped his arms around me, though he seemed to have some difficulty finding me. I smiled at him.

"Yukinari? I can't see. Please. Help me," he whimpered. I cringed and rested one of my hands over his eyes.

"It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. We'll get out of here," I promised. Sadly I didn't know if I was able to get us out of there.

When we finally stopped it was light outside. I had opened my eyes at night. Now, in the light of day, and as the wagon slowed down, I could see that we were in the country. Not like the cultured farm type of country though. It was the forested, weedy country. The land where you could sprain your ankle on roots and other things.

I was forced from the prison wagon. Helix was still asleep so he wasn't going to be of much help to me. I had to protect him this time. Just as I had before.

A hand grasped my hair from behind and wrenched my head up. I groaned. My neck was stiff and sore but it didn't seem much like that person cared. Or people. I didn't know how many were there or what they were going to do to me but I knew I had to get out of there fast.

"What do you want from me? What is it that you had to go and abduct me for?" I growled. I didn't bother trying to hide the bite in my tone as any sensible person might have done. But that was the thing, I wasn't just a person.

"Sorry boy. We just heard that the new lord was the Neko and we just had to be sure before we sold him to the next country over," a voice intoned. I snarled. I wouldn't let them take Helix. I didn't care if they wanted me but they wouldn't take him.

"At least leave my friend out of this. He doesn't belong amongst the slaves. Sell me for all I care but leave him out of this," I pleaded. The hands holding me loosened. It seemed they understood. That they got what I was saying.

"He's your mate isn't he? And if he is I'm correct in assuming that you'll kill us if anything happens to him that hasn't happened already?" the voice questioned. I at least had the strength to nod. I knew Helix was waking up, I could hear him beginning to move.

"Alright. You've got our word. Alright guys, unlock the other boy. If this guy is willing to bargain like that with us then he most certainly cares about the other." I heard gears turning and the rustle of a bunch of chains being unlocked.

To my shock I also heard the words, "why are you removing the chains? Where are we? Where's Yuriki?" I cringed. Helix could survive without me. If I could manage to survive without him for his own good.

He was dragged out of the wagon and thrown on the grass by my feet. I could see that it hurt him, the way they threw him. I strained against my chains and whimpered when I couldn't get them to snap. Helix heard me and lifted his head.

"Yuri? Where-" he started to say. He was cut off by a sharp slap to his face. His scream was ear shattering. I cried out and tried to lunge for him. A barked order of "leave the brat alone! I made an oath and if I can't count on my men to keep it I might as well have not made it at all!" rang through the air.

Helix's head snapped in my general direction. There were tears streaming down my face yet I knew he couldn't see them. Helix stood and put his arms out in front of him. I began rattling the chains holding me down. Helix slowly made his way towards me.

A tug to my hair had me screaming in pain. I wouldn't be allowed to touch him, to be with him. I whimpered. The pain on my head hurt like crazy and the fact that I wasn't able to at least say goodbye was killing me. I whimpered yet again. My captor sighed.

"Undo his bonds. We ought to give them this night alone at least," he said. The chains were undone. I sprang forward and placed my hands on either side of Helix's head. I let out a soft whimper and sank to my knees. I didn't want this. I thought about Trainer. I thought about the prince and the king. I thought about the people in my old village. I had wanted to go and see them again. I had wanted to make it easier on them and yet here I was, most likely getting sold far away from them.

Helix had slid next to me on the ground. I thought of all the things I had done with him. The battle with Kingsford, the freeing of Trainer, wandering through the wilderness. I wanted to do stuff like that with him again. Yet now that wasn't going to happen.

"Yuki. Yuki. Oh god. What did you do? What have you done? If it's for me, please don't," Helix pleaded in a whisper. I whimpered and kissed him. When we pulled apart I looked Helix in the eyes. Or what was left of them anyways.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't let them have you. Besides, I know that you'll do whatever it takes to get me back so it doesn't matter. And don't forget, so will the king. I'm really sorry. If this is to be the last of our time together, then let's make it count," I whispered back to him. I could feel the tears streaming from his unseeing eyes.

His lips pressed gently into mine and our bodies collided with unrelenting force. I groaned as Helix gave me his all, everything. If this was to be our last time together then I wanted to spend it like this. Being one with my mate in body, soul, and mind. It was invigorating.

When the sun began to come up I was dragged away from Helix and forced back into the carriage. Helix shouted after me.

"Stop your bellyaching!" one of the men shouted and smacked Helix across the face. He screamed and I forced myself to look forward. I wouldn't watch as we rolled away. I wouldn't watch what was being done to the one I loved as I was forced away.

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