The Date

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Marguerite stepped out her room, stretching and yawning. She gazed out the window from her doorway, enjoying the sunlight that poured into the room. She would never get over how gorgeous that view was. She made her way over to the kitchen, her hooves lightly clicking against the floor as she walked and began boiling some water to fix herself a cup of tea. As the water boiled, she looked over to her husband's closed door that led to his bedroom. It was very rare for him to get up as early as her, but she couldn't help but hope he would poke his head out. Marguerite looked at her phone to review the address Devyn had sent her. She didn't recognize it, so she was excited to see where it was that her friend had picked out.

After her cup of tea, she went about her morning routine. She went out on the balcony to water her plants and then do a session of yoga. After her time on the balcony, she swept the floors from the dust of yesterday, and then she did the laundry, separating the pile into two separate baskets: his and hers. She put hers away and then quietly stepped over to his room, basket in hand. She first lightly knocked on door, checking to see if he might've been awake, "Mon amour?"

No answer.

Lightly pushing open the door, she quietly stepped into the room to put away his clothes. Cervis just laid there curled up into the messy bed, sketchbook and paper strewn around him, 'He must've had a wave of inspiration last night,' she thought to herself as she put away his clothes into his dresser.

After the clothes were put away, Marguerite stepped lightly to the bed, as to not wake him. She remembered the last time he caught her in his bedroom, and she did not wish to have a repeat of that day. She lightly put the balled-up sheets of paper into the basket and then slowly lifted up the sketchbook. She looked over what seemed to be some sort of ornate hand piece. 'How interesting.. I wonder what inspired him to make this...'She laid the book on the nightstand next to him and silently left the room.

After finishing things around the house, she then got ready for her lunch date with Devyn. She decided to wear a white dress with purple and blue flora print. She added on a sun hat and pearl jewelry to top it off. She looked at her phone, checking the time at 2:10 in the afternoon. She sent a response to Devyn with her address on where to pick her up and how she was excited to see the place.

Finally, before leaving, she left a note on the fridge for her husband, just so then he didn't worry where she had gone, especially with someone going around and slaughtering women. She finished off the note with an imprint of her lipstick at the bottom, and with that, she slipped out the door.

Devyn responded to the text right away, saying that she would pick the other woman up outside of her apartment at three. The feline was so excited, delighted even. She hurried around, grabbing up a few things to wear and holding them to herself to check in the mirror.

She decided on just a simple white camisole and a pair of faded color striped pants. She curled up the bottoms and slapped on a belt before grabbing her sunglasses and a ball cap before she rushed out to her car. By the time that three rolled around, she was waiting outside of the building, sending Marguerite a quick text to let her know and turning up the music as she waited, "Gonna take the pretty girl to a nice cafeee.~" She sings, smiling to herself as she stretches her arm over the seats of her convertible, "Make her swoon a little...~"

Marguerite stepped out of the front of the apartment complex, "She said that she would be in a convertible..." she mumbled to herself as she looked around for a short moment, however, it was the music that seemed to catch her attention first. She looked in that direction to spot the vehicle with the hairless feline in the driver's seat. She walked in that direction, excited to have some girl time. She gave a little wave to Devyn in the process of walking over.

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