Family Time

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Dorian pouted softly as he looked down at his hands from his pillow prop, drawing his brows slightly. It ached so badly to move them around and there was no way that he could work like this.. He would have to miss a day or two more, at least.. He was lucky that he didn't need too many stitches, as one of his uncles had come by just long enough to assure him of that.. and then promptly reminded him that he was to only call in cases of emergencies...

He slumped into his cushions as he tweezed his phone over between his fingers.. He pecked out a message to Cervis slowly to let him know what was going on before looking at his list of messages once more... The one from Cassidy lingered on his mind..

Carefully the other moved, biting softly at his tongue as he began to hunt and peck out the words.

"Can't make it into work today or tomorrow. Stuck in bed. Would it be okay to make our coffee date into Chinese and bad movies on the television? - D."

Cervis didn't seem to reply immediately, assuming he was probably busy in his studio just as he said he would be, but a reply from Cassidy seemed to come fairly quickly...

Cassidy was busy tuning his cello when his phone dinged. He picked it up to see the message from Dorian. One second he was excited to get a reply from the oddball coroner and then the next he felt nothing but worry after reading it. "Something happen? Are you sick? Everything alright over there?" he texted back.

Dorian sucks on his teeth a little when he sees that quick reply.. Oh... He had been hoping that he would get a little longer to come up with a reply to that but... He pauses, thinking about the city that they live in.. He'd just been hearing about a string of muggings from a few of the officers in his morgue the other day...

Worth a shot, he decides and he slowly taps it out in response to the other man, "Had a small incident with a gentleman on the way home.. I made it out with my wallet, but I got a little knicked up here and there, cut my hands up scaling a chain link fence. Lucky me?"

He felt bad for lying but what was he supposed to say? Oh yes, that brother you hate? He sliced me up to beautiful ribbons while I was a stuttering orgasming mess beneath him.


No, no, no.

Dorian shifted, leaning over to check his tea pot and see if he had any more to drink.. and grumbling quietly to find his cucumber sandwiches and earl grey tea depleted.. Time to juggle the kitchen again...

After receiving and reading Dorian's reply, Cassidy only made him more worried. Seriously, what was this city coming to? Can't he just go one day without getting some sort of bad news. It's like he can't catch a break.

He put his cello aside, standing frantically up from the couch while typing out his message, "What?! Seriously? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Are you alright? I'm heading over ASAP," Shit, he needs his address, "What's your address?"

Cassidy went on to put on his shoes, "Sierra, I'm heading out!"

A reply echoed from down the hall of the house, probably from the teenager's room, "Where you off to?" "I'm going to check on Dorian. He apparently got hurt—"

Before he could finish his sentence the sounds of hasty shuffling, banging, and footsteps running interrupted him. The girl came half hopping, half running down the hall while still trying to put on a boot, "I'm coming with you!"

"What?— No! Why?" He stammered a bit, "Look, this also is somewhat a date, you're not third wheeling this."

"Someone's gotta make sure you don't screw it up!" She teased in response.

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