The Lost Boy

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Marguerite sat curled up into the cushioned bench that Devyn had for a couch in the living room of the feline's home. The place was smaller than the apartment that she had called home, but it was cozier. Filled with patterned cushions, soft pastel colors, and wood furniture, the small space was warm and homely. Something that she wished she could've made her place look.

The zebra scratched out another design in the sketchbook she had in her lap. It had been a few days since they called Cervis. Devyn wouldn't let her contact him unless she put him on speaker. I guess she couldn't blame her.. At least the conversation was civil.. She was worried that he'd be furious with her, but never raised his voice once and he owned up to his affair. Perhaps he saw those pictures they forgot on the floor and he felt guilty..? Either way, he agreed that they should have some time apart. It was best for them. If there still was a "them"...

She scratched out another sketch. Not a single design was turning out right.

Marguerite flipped to the back of the sketchbook to look at her wedding photo. The frame was ruined, but at least the picture of unharmed.. But was that really a good or bad thing...?

Devyn was humming away in the kitchen, squinting her way through one of the new cook books that she had picked up. She had grabbed them on the day that the two of them had come back to her apartment, wanting to make sure that she could cater to the zebra woman's vegetarian life style.

Tonight it was bourbon mushrooms and rice.

She turned her head a little so that she could look over at the other woman, offering a warm smile... The feline knew that things were probably still hard for Marguerite, going through all of this.. Carefully she moved, letting the rice simmer in the pot as it cooked, and walked up behind the other woman. She leaned over the back of the couch, weaving her arms round Maggie's shoulders and nuzzling the side of her head, "Nothing coming out right?" She whispered in the other woman's ear.

".. Here.. Let's give you something else to think about.. huh?" Tenderly she took the sketch book, setting it aside and humming to herself as she pulled the designer up to her hooves, "Come with me for a moment, please?"

Marguerite jumped out of her thoughts as Devyn caught her attention. She blinked as Devyn pulled her up, stepping lightly as she followed the other woman. How was she supposed to think about anything different? For the past few days, Cervis and her future is all that clouded her thoughts and ideas.

"Where are we going..?"

"Why, to the kitchen, of course," Devyn told her with a soft purr in the other's ear, leaning against her and winding her arms around the other's middle. She peeked at the lovely zebra, lifting her brows a little in a playful way.

"I figured that maybe you could help me chop up the mushrooms for tonight's supper, like my sous chef."

Marguerite smiled gently at Devyn's playfulness. Perhaps fixing supper and enjoying conversation would help her ease her mind.. Or at least Devyn was going to make sure it did.

She giggled softly as walked into the small kitchen space that was only a few paces away from the living room, "I'd be happy to help.. It's all already smelling magnifique."

"I thought so too. And I thought, why should I be the only one to enjoy this when I have Marguerite here to assist me? Hmmmmm?" Devyn asked her with a soft purr and a chuckle, head resting on the other woman's shoulder.

".. That and I can tell now when you are having a rough design day... I figured I would give you something else to think about, maybe give you a little inspiration along the way..." She whispered, lowering her eyes now as she carefully set the knife into the other woman's hand, "So.. Feel like taking it out on some poor fun-guys?"

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