The Dinner

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The lioness at the hostess stand glanced up at the pair as they came in, a bright smile taking over her lips, "Just a table for the two of you?" She asked in a chipper tone, smoothing one hand against her black dress as she did so.

Behind her was the clinking of silverware along fine china. There was all manner of people here, and all manner of species. The draw of the place was in the serving staff, however. All were predatory species— from lions and tigers, wolves, bears, any kind, really. While the restaurant served a mostly vegetarian fare, these well-dressed carnivores would move from table to table, place to place to check on and tend to their loving patrons. Some found it a rush, to be able to berate the servers for the smallest thing.. and that was fine, most of the staff knew that when they signed on.

"Ah!" The lioness beamed happily as she tapped away on her data pad there at the stand, "You're just in luck. I have a great table that just opened up on the balcony. It has a magnificent view of the city and all of its lights; would that be alright?" Her dark eyes flicked up, looking from one to the other of the couple to double check this.

The golden zebra nodded her head gleefully in response to the lioness hostess, her loose curls bouncing with each nod, "Oui!~ That sounds absolutely wonderful."

Marguerite couldn't have been happier today. She had started work today on the project with Devyn and all was going wonderfully. Not to mention, she was practically talking with her new friend all the time. It was nice to have such lovely conversations throughout the day.

Her husband had been working in his own studio today as well and he returned home in such a pleasant mood that he actually accepted her request to go out for dinner tonight. It had been so since they had a date night and she had been dying to wear her new black dress. It was long and flowed down to the floor with a split along the side. It really allowed her golden stripes shine.

The two followed the hostess to the table, Marguerite hugging the silver fox's arm, "Cet endroit n'est-il pas charmant, Cervis, mon amour?"

Cervis had been casually looking around the area when his jubilant wife spoke up. He politely smiled at her, "Oui. En effet c'est ma chérie."

Cervis wore a white button up with a black suit jacket on over it. That ruby red broach fixated at the collar. His ears flicked around catching the racket of the restaurant around them. Of course, she would choose a bustling place filled to the brim with people...

Blessedly, the balcony was scarcely populated.. there was the odd table here and there, but it seemed that most of the lay out here was to accentuate space and intimacy between the people situated at the tables. In fact, Cervis' seat was so close to the railing that he could lean on it and rest his arm.

"Here you are..." The lioness hummed pleasantly as she seated them, handing them a pair of menus and taking a couple of steps back, "I'll have your server over to you as soon as I can. It will be just a moment." She nodded her head and moved, stepping aside to let the pair get situated.

Cervis appreciated the scarceness of the balcony while Marguerite looked to be entranced with view of city at night. Sure, she had an amazing view from her balcony at home, but it was a different point of view here and it was just as lovely.

Cervis pulled out Marguerite's seat for her, letting her sit first and then he sat in his seat. He looked out over the night life of the city. Oh, how he would much rather be picking out his next art piece at this time, but he had been neglecting to give his wife some proper attention as of lately, and he needed to make sure her loyalty to him was staying true.

"Merci madame.~" Marguerite chimed as she looked over the menu, "There's so much to choose from. How does anyone ever come to a decision?~"

"It's a simple matter of following your tastes, mon cher. What is your desire to eat tonight?" Her husband responded, that smooth charm slipping off lips.

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