Three Dead Men

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Cervis slinked down the streets as the sun sunk below the horizon. Normally, this would be the prime hour for him to begin his hunting, but for the time being, that would have to wait. For now, he had other plans, and part of that meant he had to play his part of "adoring lover."

He still couldn't believe how smoothly things were progressing as he recalled last night. Dorian responded extremely well to affection and intimacy, and it showed through his reaction to a simple kiss. He found it amusing really. Sure, he got wrapped up in the thrill of it all, but in the end, he felt nothing in response to Dorian's affections. However, keeping up an act was a mere simple task.

But tonight, his thoughts were less interested in the progression of his toy. Tonight, he just hadto know about this triple homicide. They theorized that it might've been one of his works, but he knew that was incorrect. So, was this just some messy killing? Or perhaps?...

Cervis stepped up to the backdoor of the morgue and slinked in without being seen by anyone who may have saw. He made his way down the hall as he drank in the surroundings once again. Oh, how he loved this place. He found his way to the office, knocking lightly on the door with his free hand as he peeped in, "Oh mon chéri?~ Are you here? I brought you some dinner.~"

Dorian blinked a little from where he was writing out the report on his computer, a pair of glasses perched on his nose and a pen clenched in his teeth. He had his bangs pinned back out of his face, better showing the dark circles that took up residency under his eyes— worse than usual.

He stared vacantly for a moment before a smile pulled at his lips and he set the pen down, standing up, "Cervis? I-I wasn't expecting.. Please! Please, come on in! This is such a great surprise after today!" Oh, how happy he was to see such a beautiful face right now. After all the work today and the interrupted nap, the crick in his back from sleeping on his work couch.

"You didn't have to come all of this way just to see me... and you even brought me food? You are amazing..."

Cervis couldn't help but ponder on how long the lanky man had been awake, he was obviously sleep deprived. Oh, how did he appreciate his line of work where he decided his own hours. Besides that, however, Cervis didn't mind his pet being devoid of decent rest. It allowed him to be more prone to suggestion.

"But of course I came to see you, chéri," he said softly as he made his way over to Dorian, "You had to leave in such a hurry over this triple homicide, and I never heard back from you, so I took it upon myself to check up on you.~ I hope you like Japanese." Cervis softly set a bento box down on the desk, "I took a guess and just stopped by this magnifique Japanese restaurant."

Dorian looked from Cervis to the food and back and he couldn't fight how much his mouth watered.. God, when was the last time that he had eaten before this?... Yesterday. Yes, he was very much overdue, as his body was making a point of telling him now...

Very loudly.

"You are a god among men, do you know that?" The maned wolf asked with a soft chuckle as he reached out to take the box, tucking it into his lap. He dug about in one of his drawers, pleased to find that his emergency fork was there, "Yes, I'm so sorry about that.. This one was a doozy, to say the least. They were worried that it was some form of escalation of our known serial killer— the one that's been doing all of the women? But all it took was a first look for me to tell them that there was noway that it was the same person– Oh god! This smells amazing.."

Dorian practically melted as he popped the top on his food, biting his lower lip as he surveyed it and then began to dig in.

It was almost like he knew justwhat he wished to hear, and oh, he knew he could depend on dear Dorian to know his work at first glance. He might've kissed him if he wasn't stuffing his cheeks full of rice. How unflattering..

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