The Question

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"Maggiiiiiiieeeeeeeee..." Dev groaned to her through the phone, leaning a little on the steering wheel of her car, sitting outside of the building the other woman lived in, "I thought we were going out today.. We were talking tea and treats, remember?"

She wondered if it was the husband again... The man didn't deserve some one as sweet and wonderful as Marguerite, Devyn was more than convinced of that. He never seemed to spend time with her unless it was on his schedule and she was fairly certain that the guy was just one of those sleaze bags that marries a beautiful woman to have her on his arm...

What she wouldn't give to oust him or at least give him a good hard boot in the balls...

"Maggieeeeeeeeee... If we can't go out, can I come up? Please? I got that fabric that you wanted, you wanted to check the details and things, right?"

"I'm really sorry, Dev. I'm just not feeling well today.."

She wasn't lying.

Marguerite really didn't want to raincheck on her friend. She was really looking forward to hanging out with her again and working out more details on the project, but last night just didn't end as well as she hoped. It was her fault. She overstepped and asked him questions she knew were forbidden topics. At least Cervis had already left to his studio early this morning...

She tugged at the sleeves of her sweater as she held the phone between her shoulder and ear, thinking of a lie to keep her from coming up, "Well uhm.. perhaps it can wait another day... The apartment is a mess and if I have something contagious, I wouldn't want to get you sick.." She always hated lying. It always made her feel guilty and horrible.

That... didn't sound right to her.. Devyn drew her brows now as she flicked one of her ears, sitting up from where she was draped over the steering wheel... Something didn't feel right here. There was a nasty taste in the back of her mouth and the warning bells were going off in her head.

"Oh...?" Suddenly her voice sounded so much more serious than it had before, maybe even a little strained, "Really?... What are your symptoms then? Maybe I could make a run to the corner store for you and pick up some medications for you..."

Oh no.

No, no, no, no. She was hoping that would have sufficed, but this was bad. That guilty feeling only swelled, and it just made her want to cry, "I uhm... Well, I just feel a bit.. light headed and uhm... my stomach feels upset... P-Perhaps something I ate last night.." Oh, she was starting to feel some tears well up as she talked. She really hated lying.

She fumbled around trying to get a teacup from the cabinet. Tea will help calm her down, but as her shaking hands reached for a cup, the phone slipped from her shoulder. In a panic, she went to grab the phone only to cause the cup she was reaching for tip over and crash to the floor. Marguerite let out a squeak in response to the shattered cup. Now she really was going to cry...

The last straw.

That was it. Devyn closed up and locked her door, slamming it a little as she started to stomp her way up towards the apartment building.

"Marguerite.. Marguerite, listen to me..." She was speaking, even if the other woman wasn't right there or was still picking it up, "Marguerite, I'm coming up there... You don't have to let me in, but I'm going to sit my ass outside of your door until you do..."

".. And Marguerite, if when I get up there... I see anything.. If I find out that he hurt you in any way... I can't just let you stay there in good faith. You don't deserve that. You never deserved that. Are you listening to me, baby girl?"

Marguerite unfortunately didn't hear Devyn's speech as the phone was laid on the counter. Marguerite was crouched on the floor, tears steadily dripping down her face while she picked up at the larger pieces of the broken cup. Why did she have to overstep her bounds? She just had to be selfish. She already had everything she could ever want, she shouldn't have been greedy. If she just kept her mouth shut, she would be heading out right now to see Devyn to go their little hideaway to sketch dresses and have conversation...

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