Chapter One ~Great to be home?~

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The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart ~ Helen Keller~

~Ana's POV~

I sat down on my bed sighing my feet swinging off the ground. The flight back home was in a couple of hours and we were just waiting for to get everything together and then we would leave for the airport. Everyone was on the same flight back to Omaha because everyone was coming to stay with me for a few weeks. Don't get me wrong I am physched that they are coming its just that when we return home there will be danger lurking around every grimy corner. The reason as to why it would be there: Johnny. Johnny fucking Defran.

Please enlighten me you may be saying. Well here is some clearance on why I would ever date a tool like Johnny. I never did. It's complicated cos you see it all started when I was at my cousins wedding. He was on the grooms side of the family where as it was my cousin Tessa who was getting married. I was only 15 at the time so I was stupid and didn't know what I was getting myself into. One of Coles (the groom) dodgy twice removed relative came up to me with this really cute boy. He introduced us and we were talking for practically the whole wedding. No matter how cute he was I knew that he would grow up to be a jerk because of how his relatives were acting. I still went along with it anyway because I didn't want to hurt his feelings or offend him. Whenever Cole and Tessa had a party we met up and once I met him at my friends party. People were asking how I knew him and when I just shrugged it off he went behind my back and told them that we were dating. He found me shortly after that if I didn't tell people that we were dating then there would be consequences. I obviously didn't take anything he said seriously because the next thing I was going around telling everyone that he was an idiot who couldn't be trusted because we weren't dating so he was a lying jerk. He cornered me and he hit me. I couldn't believe it but I realized that this wasn't just some high school fling; this was deep shit. And I didn't have a way out of it. From then on we were 'together' but when Jack discovered what was going on he put Johnny in his place and I thought that he was out of my life forever. Making me even more happy was the fact that he was arrested for manslaughter and was given a prison sentence of a lifetime. So when I heard that he had escaped you can tell why Jack, Chloe, Nikki and Jack reacted the way they did. Because in that instant I knew that something very bad was going to happen... and my life could be ended.

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