Chapter Four ~All Nighter~

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Put your heart, mind and soul into even the smallest acts. This is the secret to success~Swami Sivananda~

~Ana's POV~

Once we finished mucking about we all were pretty bored so we decided to pull an all nighter... this should be interesting? I raided the kitchen and pulled out as many sweets as I could find: sour patch kids, gummy bears, mints, refreshers and even gum. We settled in the lounge once more and pulled out loads of movies as we started the movie marathon. Jack was by my side when the first movie started. He could sense that I was still uneasy from our little encounter earlier and although I had tried my best to fake that I was fine I guess he still saw through me. He came closer and sang in my ear the opening line of I would by Justin Bieber 'If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face baby I would, Baby I would' I laughed and snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. 'I know you would Jack if only it was that easy' I said into his sweatshirt. In reply he just kissed my forehead as I twisted myself so I could watch the movie. Suddenly a pillow was thrown in our faces but luckily Jack caught it before it hit us.

'Keep it down over there would you lovebirds!' Cam yelled from across the room while Nash, Matt and Carter made kissy faces in the air. Everyone burst into laughter and so did I ignoring the warmth in my cheeks.

We may not have time but we have each other and that is all we need. I thought as a massive grin welcomed itself onto my face. Jack just laughed and smiled as well.

~Taylor's POV~

It almost killed me when I turned my attention from the movie to Jack and Ana. They were all cuddled up on the sofa and he had his arm wrapped around her as they spoke softly to each other. I couldn't tell what they were saying but even when Cam made everyone turn their attention to them not for one second did they break apart or even more a centimetre away from each other. Instead Ana smiled after a second and Jack copied easily. They were pretty much made for each other. NO Taylor! Do NOT think like that. You still have a chance don't blow yourself off jeez I struggled to smile after this but one thing was certain... I needed to move fast.

~Nash's POV~ (A/N bet this was unexpected hey 😏)

Halfway during the second movie I go a notification from one of my friends from back home

Dylan: Yo bro checkout my last insta post good luck and you have 24 hours😈

I frowned and did as he said. Turned out he had just done the ALS Ice Bucket challenge (A/N Doing this tomorrow! If you don't know what this is u srsly live under a rock-_- get it started with your friends and get nominated its for charity) and that he had nominated me. I smirked and then grabbed the remote and stood up as I switched off the film.

At first there were groans of protest but I silenced them by burping. Oh yes. I then explained to them how I was nominated for the challenge and that I was gonna do it and that I would nominate people and then they would do it. Everyone jumped up and were really excited as we made our way outside. We grabbed loads of ice and water and grabbed a massive bucket. In Ana's back garden we set up the camera and lighting and then we recorded. I did it and OMHF IT WAS FREEZING. I nominated Jack and Jack and after they did the challenge they nominated Cam, Hayes, Ana and Aaron. They all did it as well and eventually everyone had done it. After having lovely hot showers we all edited our videos and then put out on twitter and other social medias that we were uploading the videos. They uploaded and as I read through the comments I saw loads of fans were freaking out cos we were shirtless. I chuckled at this and then looked at the time.

'Hey guys we did it! It's six o'clock in the morn bitches!!!' Everyone was yelling and cheering and then I guess we all kinda collapsed. A blaring through the house woke me up and I realized with a groan that it was the doorbell. I carried on lying there until Ana went to get it. She squealed in excitement before closing the door again. I wonder what that was about I really need to pee should I get up? My important thoughts were interrupted however when I felt a slobbering wetness covering my cheek. My eyes shot open and I found myself staring into eyes. I shrieked and fell backwards and landed on the hard cold floor. I groaned and when I opened my eyes I saw Ana looking sheepish. I raised an eyebrow as she introduced her dog to everyone; Jai.


Heyy guise. Sorry for putting those notes earlier I dont usually do that but meh well and Jai can I get a yeahh from the other janos fans💜 anyways sucks for you guys that are back at school I have another two weeks of bliss😏 If you haven't heard about the als ice bucket challenge then look it up!

I Found You~Jack Gilinsky and Taylor Caniff~ (Sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now