Chapter Five ~Exchanging Spit~

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It is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light~Aristotle Onassis~

~Ana's POV~

Woops. Jai is just super friendly? I couldn't help but laugh at Nash's horrified but amused face though. I ran around the house getting everybody up and then I went into the kitchen and pulled out like 5 boxes of pancake mix. I know I know five boxes?! There are so many guys here who can probably eat enough for 4 people each and I was super hungry as well. I was there making pancakes when I felt lips press to my cheek. I turned around to identify the kiss stealer and it was Taylor.

'Morning beautiful' He said as he poured himself some orange juice.

'Morning Tay' I replied with a smile. I honestly thought it was Jack just then. I mean don't get me wrong I like Taylor and all I just think that Jack and I are closer and especially after last night I know we are closer than Taylor and I. I thought as a frown etched itself onto my face. Great so much for a great morning as if this day could get any worse! A small cough came from behind us and it took everything I had from running over. It was Jack. His hair was messy and sticking up in all possible directions so I took it that he had just woken up. At first his eyes were warm as they set themselves upon me but that quickly died as he said 'Sorry am I interrupting here? Too busy exchanging mornings and luckily I came because otherwise it would have been spit as well' Venom was thrown into that as much as he could and hurt flashed in his eyes; it was soon trampled down by all of the anger though.

'Jack...' I whispered

'Don't' Was all he uttered before he spun around and left the kitchen with frustation rolling off of him like waves.

I turned back around and saw Taylor who was looking at me with questions as well as longing flooding his eyes. I shook my head slowly. I felt so bad. I can't like Taylor but then feel this way about Jack when we have barely a conversation. I was so confused and I was hurting. What Jack said hurt. It stung so badly and the worst part was that I didn't even care about Taylor in those few minutes. How can I not care about Taylor? He cares about me and I care about him too... or at least I think I do. I heard some shuffling and I saw Taylor leaving the kitchen. The last thing I heard was him singing 'I got my heart stolen from a robber with some high heels on and there was nothing I could do I couldn't stop her from leading me' under his breath. I don't think he meant for me to hear but I did and it made me feel even more terrible.

The pancakes were done by now so I served them up on plates and had a pep talk to myself. Come on Ana. Party girls don't get hurt can't feel anything when will I learn. I sing under my breath forcing a believable smile onto my face. I sing another song in my head Fuck reality. It's much better in my sleep. Eyes stay shut. I can do this

Heyyy guys. So Ana is having doubts about Taylor!!??! Ik ik sad right but still the story will get back on track soon. Sorry for not updating it was cos I was on holiday and I only just got back yesterday 0.0 Anyways songs in this chapter where:

Love Robbery- Kalin and Myles

Chandelier- Sia

Hold Me-Cherub

In that order Thanks guys! See ya next chapter ;)

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