Chapter Nine ~Some things never change~

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Live simply so others can simply live ~Matthew Lee Espinosa~

You can play the media now or later on its up to you🙈

~Jack's POV~

I walked down the stairs racking my brain as to where Ana could possibly be. She could have slept with the girls in their room and had a sleepover? I doubt it though, all of the girls like their sleep. She wouldn't have gone to any of the boys' rooms other than mine I think unless JJ? Nah he wouldn't do that to me he knows how much she means to me. I found myself in front of the fridge and opened it to find a bottle of coke, loads of oranges and 6 cartons of eggs. Da fuq? Random much. Sighing I pulled out the coke and poured myself a glass. Bad for my teeth whatever whatever I was thirsty and I always find that me being well hydrated helps my state of mind. After spending what felt like hours sitting at the counter, I got up to go and see if Ana was in the girls room. I paused as I heard what I thought was a crash and then a door opening and closing quietly. Suspicious... I decided to leave it and go and try and find Ana. Must have been one of the boys going to the bathroom I thought as I walked up the stairs.

I knocked on the door to see if they were still awake. A tired but still awake looking Chloe opened the door and looked at me quizzically.

'Harassing girls in the middle of the night isn't really your style Gilinsky' she said with an eyebrow raised.

'Yeah yeah har har so hilarious' I said still anxious to see if Ana was here or not.

I looked around the room and then frowned 'Ana isn't here?'

'No why would she be? I thought she was sleeping in her room...' she trailed off now looking worried. Nikki sat up and rubbed her eyes saying 'You know she might actually be sleeping in her room geniuses'

'But that's the problem though. She's not'

This time they both looked up at me worried and anxious.

'What the fuck do you mean that she isn't in her room?' Chloe hissed grabbing me by my collar.

I put my hands up in surrender 'HEY! I don't know why the fuck do you think I am here?'

'Guys put two and two together' Nikki said slowly. We both turned and looked at her confused. 'Johnny is loose and Ana is missing.'

'No' I whispered 'he can't have Ana we have top security here all the guys were here I would have heard something I should have heard something what if this is all my fault what if she is hurt oh my god I would never forgive myself if she was hurt what if something bad happens OH MY GOD!' I rambled on and on finally losing it at the end. Chloe was a crying heap on the floor and Nikki was pacing the room biting her fingernails; something she stopped doing years ago.

~Ana's POV~

I mixed the creamy brown mess in the bowl careful to not get any of my clothes. I dipped a finger in and tasted the batter. It tasted so good and it was impossible to believe that I had made it! Warm arms wrapped around my waist and hugged me from behind, Jack's head leaning on my shoulder. He smelt good. How does he always smell so good?

'Ana,' Jack sighed, 'are you seriously not gonna let me taste any!' I laughed and as his hand reached for the batter I slapped it away and grabbed it. I held his hand to my heart and I turned around to face him. But as I did I frowned in confusion. In front of me stood Taylor. It sounded like Jack behind me though?

'Anarchy what's wrong?' Taylor asked. Jack calls me Anarchy though...

I shook my head in denial and as I did so the vision in front of me slowly dissapitated leaving me with nothing but darkness.

I opened my eyes hesitantly in fear of what might be before me. I blinked so I could adjust to the dimly lit room and instantly scoured the room. I could see boxes stacked up against the far cemented wall and next to me was an empty chair. I could feel harsh rope binding my hands together and I could see that my feet were tied as well. There was a constant dripping sound that came from the very end of the room. A leak maybe? I was in no state of mind to even think of a escape plan let alone how it was actually going to work and get me out of here. If I get out of here. What if I die. What if no one finds me and I stay as the lost girl? What if no one cares? That last one hit me harder than the others. What if no one did care. How was I supposed to attempt to get out if I was all alone? You can't. The last thought sounding in my head as I was having trouble breathing. Fuck. Panic attacks were something that I managed to tone down years ago. I was pretty darn proud but it was no use denying it. I was having a pretty bad attack and usually there was always someone to wack me and tell me I was gonna be fine. Not this time. This time you're all alone. No one to save you. No one can hear your cries. No one cares. I rocked myself backwards and forwards backwards and forwards forcing myself to take deep breaths. Think Think Think. Think of happiness. Go to your happy place. PLAY MEDIA CHICA ;) Jack and Taylor standing there waiting for you, I closed my eyes and imagined their arms outstretched just waiting to have you back with them. You got to them and they enclosed their arms around you sandwiching you in a massive bear hug. You could smell their lynx strong and familiar.

'Strong. That's what you are Anarchy. Strong' You felt Jack whisper against your head

'My beautiful angel open your eyes and lets kick some ass' Taylor grinned and winked.

'We can fight them' They both said at the same time and still in sync they kissed your cheek. Together arms still connected you walked off into the distance laughing and smiling.

Defiantly I opened my eyes but this time there was a definite change: I was full of anger and was going to kick some ass.

Hi there... Yes here it comes the big ass apology and it is true I am so sorry for not updating! I hate that I don't but to be fair though I do think that this is one of the longest chapters I have written and it definitely is for I Found You! I hope that you guys like this and especially the ending. I love the whole collection of Jack and Jack singing. aghhh the feels. haha I just also wanna say that thankyou guys so much for so many reads for IFY and also on Lost cos it has 21,678 reads the last time that I checked it (literally two mins ago haha) and it keeps going up!!! I am so smiley now ;) Thankyou my beauts and I hope you have a great week. Ugh mondays right.

I Found You~Jack Gilinsky and Taylor Caniff~ (Sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now