Part 1: encounter

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The girl entered the shop on the arm of her friend. The friend, hair cut into a pink bob, went straight for the clothes section, eying crop tops and cargo pants.

The girl waited in an empty space while the friend snooped around the shop.

When the friend disappeared into a changing room, arm stacked with clothes, the girl's head then darted towards the sunglass rack in the corner of the room. The girl moved from her spot.

She stood in front of the sunglasses, curiously at first. She picked up a pair and tried it on. She put it down, and picked up another pair.

All kinds of colours, all shapes and abstract styles. Blocky and thin and round. She posed for herself, when she thought no one was looking.

The boy was looking. He was more than looking. He was watching her full-on, shamelessly. She didn't notice him until he made a comment, saying Looks good.

She jumped out of her skin, whirling to face him. She pried the sunglasses off her face and tried to make up for her reaction. Her cheeks heated.

But the boy was smiling.

They didn't get to talk, because the friend walked out of the changing room and dumped her pile of clothes onto a rack. She called to the girl, and the girl responded quickly. They linked arms and headed out of the shop, legs moving together.

The boy watched the girl leave. It only took her a moment to look back.

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