Part 30: japan

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After that, things just got worse. The friend started revealing things without even realising, and there was nothing the boy could do to take them back.

When the friend mentioned Alfie, the girl looked relieved to hear something familiar.

I know about Alfie she said Japan, right?

The friend shot the boy a look and swore foully.

You told her about Japan? The friend grinned, taking another drag from his cigarette. Bloody hell, mate.

The boy replied Won't you shut up already?

The girl's eyes had grown weary and soft. Sad. She asked slowly What happened in Japan?

The friend told her.

Her eyes widened unconsciously, full of that light and innocence that the boy loved.  Not a muscle on her face moved, around the words prison and dealing.

The boy tried to meet her eyes but she averted her gaze to the ground. 

A pit grew in the boy's stomach, a heavy black pit that made him want to rip out his hair.  Instead, he grabbed the lighter and relit his cigarette.

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