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H20delirious (Jonathon) p.o.v.
We were stopped by someone yelling. I wasn't sure who it was but it seemed to be two dudes.

"What," I yelled back.

"Y'all going to stand there and stare or like fight each other," said a dude.

"Fuck off," I said.

"Fuck you," he yelled.

"Who the fuck are you anyway," I said.

"Don't fucking worry about it," he said.

I started walking towards him and saw that Evan was too.

Red (Y/n) p.o.v.
I saw that the guys were getting closer.

"Chilled for your safety do not tell them I'm Red, even though you know them or Not," I said.

"Okay then," he said.

"For now I'm a dude not a girl," I said.

"Okay," he said nodding.

The guys were in the building in front of us but I couldn't figure out who it was since it is dark.

"Chilled," said one of the guys.

"Evan," said Chilled.

"Wait that's chilled," said the other dude.

"Wait is that Jonathon," said Chilled.

My eyes widened now knowing who it was. I put my head down so they won't be able to see my eyes.

"Who is that with you," said Del.

Chilled looked at me and I gave him a stern look.

"Its an old friend of mine," he said.

"What's your name," said Del.

I didn't say anything, instead I stood quiet.

"He doesn't like speaking to people he don't know," said Chilled.

"Hmm okay then," said Evan.

"So what brings you guys here, and what was it with that glaring contest," said Chilled.

"They are mad at each other," I said with the deepest voice possible.

"How the fuck do you know," said Del.

I shrugged my shoulders and kept my head low.

"You guys are mad at each other, why," asked Chilled.

"Lets just say we are having some issues," answered Evan.

"Trust issues," I added.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, and how the fuck do you know so much about what's happening," said Del.

"Don't fucking worry, about what the fuck I know, now if you mind us we got to go," I said.

I grabbed chilled hand and ran to the next building. We both jumped all the buildings back and we left those two there. We got the motorcycle and I revved it twice.

"What's wrong do you know them," he said.

"I'll tell you at your base," I said.

I quickly drove off to their base. I guess I wasn't really in the good mood cause I raced my ass over there.

Once we were there I got off and entered through the front door, so did Chilled. I slammed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen.

"We didn't even notice you were gone and Chilled is finally up," said Anthony.

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