Chapter 1️⃣2️⃣

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  Waking up and seeing how peaceful he slept made me feel complete like ughh he so cute when he's asleep until his phone started ringing and it was Dream which was saved under "Dream😡"

   So I got mad as fuck and woke his light skin ass up and "ERIC ,ERICCC ANSWER THIS PHONE." The phone stopped ring and he woke up and said "What the fuck ?." And luckily she called again and he answered "HELLO ?." With an extreme attitude and I told him "Put that shit on speaker." And he did looking scared as hell

    "Yes Dream what happened ?." "I have something important to tell you !." She sounded serious "What is it just tell me now." "I wanted to tell you in person." And she FaceTimed him and he answered while rolling his eyes and his eyes opened wide when she showed him whatever it was and said "I'm  coming over." And I was steaming HOT 😡🔥

   He jumped up and frantically put his clothes on and I asked him "What happened ?." He didn't respond so I stood in front of him and he sat on the bed and said "she showed me a pregnancy test" and my eyes got big " SO WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN." he looked down and said "I gotta go we can talk about this when I get back."

  He put on his shirt and grabbed his keys and i was so mad that I grabbed a glass cup and threw at him but it hit the wall he lucky cause I wanted to knock his ugly ass out.

I thought to myself this is what i mean i can't complete with her they have known each other for years which is why I'm not surprised I figured eventually she would do this

(authors Pov)

Eric Drove to Dream house and on the table was a pregnancy test and she started crying and so did he which was crazy and he asked her "Are you going to keep it ?." And she said "yes even though I'm 21" all I Eric could was stand and be the father to his soon to be child.

  (Back to Mikey)

The whole day I thought to myself if I wanted to be with him or not and I said to myself this is I can't be with him anymore it was fun while it later but I refuse to stay with anymore I'm not going to entertain him anymore 💛

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