Episode X:The Unfold Page Reveal

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[In the morning, Ansh tried to search Landlady, but he found nobody in the house.]

Ansh: Hmm. I expect to go after meeting her in the morning. [shrugs and look around the walls] Thanks for clarifying my direction.

[Ansh met a cab driver at the gate of the Landlady's house.]

Cab driver: [surprising] When did you come here, sir?

Ansh: Well, I lack time to narrate a long story to wither your clouds. We'll talk later. [open the gate]

Cab driver: Wait, Sir, I got a clue of this neighbour family.

Ansh: [turning back] You mean to say, you got a hint of the Tayals.

Cab driver: Yes, they are in Vrindavana.

Ansh: [confusing] But, if I am not wrong, they live in the U.K.

Cab driver: [opens his mouth] How do you get their U.K. updates?

Ansh: [runs a hand through hair] Long story.

Cab driver: You hide many things behind your reflective personality. Still, I will help you because I recognise well between tricksters and innocence. Yes, I dropped them to the airport for the U.K. four years ago. I remember their caring frame of mind for each other. I hold no idea what happened later. Yesterday, I had seen Mr Tayal in Vrindavana when I assisted my client in managing their possessions in the market. I'm sure his family is with him.

Ansh: Any idea of their residential place?

Cab driver: Yes, I am sure he lived in his old home.

Ansh: Can you give a complete description?

Cab driver: Sure [writing on a piece of paper and give to Ansh] Glad to help you, sir.

[Within a moment, the paper tossed in the air to the road]

Ansh: Oh! [Trying to catch a piece of paper looking nowhere.]

[In the meantime, Dr Dev arrived. He noticed a fast-moving car which got closer to hit Ansh. He pulled him and rolled at the corner of the road.]

Dr Dev: [angering] Are you in senses? The car could hit you. [reading a slip] Are you planning to travel somewhere?

Ansh: Yes, I need to visit and express my untold emotion to one.

Dr Dev: But being a doctor, I can't allow you to visit anywhere.

Ansh: [revolting] I grateful to save me twice, but this cannot give the privilege to become my master. My choice may create problems for me. You should stay away.

Dr Dev: [calming] You misinterpret me Ansh. I will join you in the journey to take care of you.

Ansh: No Dr Dev, I will never want to waste your precious time on my problems.

Dr Dev: I invested my time in your health. I'll suffer a loss if your health suffers by any mean.

Ansh: Okay, you can join me. In return, you need to handle one more problem- Abhay and Janvi. I can't let them involve in this matter.

Dr Dev: Okay, don't worry. I have an idea.

[Dr Dev and Ansh went to Ansh's house where Janvi and Abhay were waiting for him]

Janvi: Oh, welcome. Is check-up with Ansh gone well?

Dr Dev: [straining] Ansh is fine, but I'm still not satisfied. He needs change in his routine to maintain his mental health. I am going to the seminar in Vrindavana. I want him to should also go with me. He would feel better in such a changing environment.

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