Episode XII:Selfishness

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Dr Dev: [narrating] Mr Goyal and Sara arrived in Bangalore with the intact family. They booked the entire hotel for the guests. Everyone thrilled, yet their happiness not remains longer. Sara, her mother, and Mr Goyal's mother went to the jewellery shop to select the jewels. When they returned, they discerned one of the forgotten jewel boxes in the shop.

[Scene: Sara, her mother, and Mr Goyal's mother talk near the parking side of the hotel.]

Mom: Oh! How I become irresponsible. Well, I am going to bring back a jewel box.

Sara: Wait! Mom, I will go with you.

Mom: Okay. Mrs Goyal, I will come back soon.

Mrs Goyal: We will wait for you, Mrs Tayal. Come as soon as possible.

Sara: [going inside the car] Let's go, Mom.

Mom: Okay, dear.

Sara: [on the way] We should speed up the car to reach faster.

Mom: Haste cannot give the right result.

[Sara huffs]

Mom: Sara, every mother want the happiness of their daughters. I am sure he will give you the same.

Sara: I knew he will be loyal to me, but I am afraid of myself. I am not sure if I can give him any happiness.

Mom: I bless you, my wise daughter. You will manage everything.

Sara: I hope so.

Mom: [figuring before herself] Sara, look! Something is coming toward us.

Sara: [shocking] Yes! An ambulance. An ambulance has lost its control.

Mom: We are near to clash.

Sara: [rotating the steering wheel] Mom, I am trying but, [car collided with an ambulance.]

Mom: [shouting] Sara!

Dr Dev: [sighing] Sara and her mother met with an accident. They admitted to the same hospital where you warded. You got new life when Sara and her mother lost their lives. Other doctors tried to save them, but now they were no more.

Ansh: [shivers and takes his steps back] Sara cannot die. She needs to live more. [slips on the floor] You are lying. She is alive.

Dr Dev: [bows his head] She is dead.

Ansh: [swiping and thrashing the articles on the table] [shouting] Hold your tongue! I told you she is alive. Stop repeating this line. [with tremble voice] She cannot leave me.

Dr Dev: [shaking his shoulders with both hands] [firming] I will repeat these lines a hundred times: Sara is dead. She is no more. She will never come back. [Inflames] Understand Mr Ansh Rehan! Try to accept the truth.

[Ansh hiccups and gets restless in his position] Please come back.

Dr Dev: I can understand your pain, Mr Ansh, but I am sorry.

Ansh: Dr Dev, how should I live if my life is gone?

Dr Dev: [suspecting] What do you mean?

Ansh: [putting aside him with harsh] I will end my life [search here and there] and live with Sara.

Ansh: [holding a cutter from drawer] Yes, I found. [Putting near his pulse].

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