Episode XI:Perennial Life

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[Ansh and Dr Dev reached in Vrindavana. After coming across to the entrance gate of Vrindavana, Ansh caught the sight of a temple.]

Ansh: Stop here.

Dr Dev: [stopping the jeep] What happened?

Ansh: Look at this temple. We must visit once.

Dr Dev: As you wish. [They worshipped into the temple and take rest in the park] Your belief in these religious practices wonder me.

Ansh: These practices got beyond my reach until Sara come in my life. I always used to smoke whenever my mind caught in stress. But after getting her present, I never thought to use such a harmful means.

Dr Dev: Her present?

Ansh: [taking out an idol of Lord Krishna from his bag] This one.

Dr Dev: Wow! This is adorable.

Ansh: Sara gifted this. She suggested to glimpsing on his face whenever I found in a problem. And beyond any doubt, her advice worked. When I got on medication, Lord Krishna prepared me to face off those terrible days. You may disagree with my words, but after surgery, I always sense Sara closer to me.

Dr Dev: Congratulation Ansh. Everyone cannot gift with a blessing in love.

Ansh: This will be a blessing in disguise when I meet Sara.

Dr Dev: You met her through your heart, or should I say through her heart.

Ansh: [confusing] What you want to say?

Dr Dev: [chuckles] Nothing Ansh.

[Ansh and Dr Dev went to the hotel.]

Receptionist: Good Morning, Sir. How can I help you?

Dr Dev: Hello, book a double room for a week.

Receptionist: Okay, Sir. Your luggage will reach in your room.

Dr Dev: Thank you.

[They become tired, after arranging their clothes and other things in the almirah.]

Ansh: [taking a towel] Dr Dev, I am going to bathe.

Dr Dev: Okay till then, I will order our dinner.

Ansh: Okay [after bathing] Dr Dev, now you may go to become fresh.

Dr Dev: Okay.

[Room server brought their dinner.]

Room Server: [knocking the door] Room Service.

Ansh: [opening the door] Please come. [hunts his pockets] Am I lost my wallet? [He scans Dr Dev's jacket, huffs and takes out his wallet] I will return him. [He picks two thousand rupees from Dr Dev's wallet and give to room server]

Room Server: [leaving the room] Thank you, Sir.

[Room Server closed the door. In the meantime, Ansh noticed a snap into Dr Dev's wallet.]

Ansh: [astonishing] I never even show her snap. How he had that? Is this mean he met her? Now, he pretends himself a complete stranger for her before me, why?

Dr Dev: [comes out and glance at the table] Food looks delicious.

Ansh: [holding his collar] I saw her photo in your wallet. Why you stay silent? Where is Sara?

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