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Elisia P.O.V
This is it. Today is the day I finally get married to the guy I..........................................

Can't say I love any more. Ever since we all found out Bianca cheated and baby Devin wasn't Adonis', it's been crazy. Adonis left Bianca because she chose to be with Abel instead. So now, were at my wedding. And I'm in this dress and I'm not even sure if I'm going to marry this guy.

 And I'm in this dress and I'm not even sure if I'm going to marry this guy

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I get ready in the hallway as I take my uncle's arm. He will be in place of my father since he died a few years back. My little Elaine who is about to turn 2 is now walking down as the flower girl.

 My little Elaine who is about to turn 2 is now walking down as the flower girl

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He is walking me down the aisle and I am getting very nervous. My mom and my entire family, have been waiting for this moment. I see Cory and smile. I tell myself I am sure that I love him, but I don't feel like it. I know I love him, but not in my heart. I finally reach the end of the aisle, pass my flowers to my maid of honor, Riley. Yes Riley as in my manager Riley from. A while back. She has always been there for me and had my back since I hired her. I take Cory's hands and I look in his eyes. This is not the man I want to marry, but, I'm too nervous to say anything. We turn and face the pastor and he is going on and on about how me and Cory didn't meet by chance. I see his mom tearing up out the corner of my eye. The pastor then says "If any man believes that these two people should not be joined together forever, speak now or forever hold your peace"

Adonis P.O.V
I quietly walk in through the doors. One of my buddy's from the gym nods his head in the direction of Elisia. I heard what the pastor said loud and clear. So I cleared my throat. It was then when I got to nervous to speak up. Everyone has there eyes on me, including Elisia and that damn Cory. Even Elaine was looking back at me. I sit down quietly and the ceremony continues on.

Elisia P.O.V
Why did he not say something. I really wish he did.
"Cory Davis, do you take Elisia Alverez to be your lawfully wedded wife in the holiest state of matrimony, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" All eyes are on Cory.

"I do" he does his signature smirk that made me fall in love with him.

2 years ago
Elisia P.O.V
I sit on the street crying. I just found out I'm pregnant and the dude I'm pregnant by left me. I was locked out of my apartment because my dumbass forget her keys in the studio. I hear some footsteps approach me. I look up and groan.

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