Chapter 1- Wait... WHAT?!?!

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It was a semi-normal day in the Rooster teeth headquarters, as normal as the crew can get.... anyway, Geoff, Jack, Michael, Jermey, Gavin, and Ray were all playing Minecraft when Geoff got a phone call.

"Keep going boys, I'll take this," Geoff said, walking out of the room. "Hello?"
"Hi this is Debra from Kind Smiles Dental Clinic, to remind you that you set up appointments for a: Gavin, Michael, Ray, Jack, Jermey, and Geoff at 3:00." The lady on the other side said.
"That's right... thank you so much Debra we'll see you then." Geoff said, ending the call. He sighed, almost everyone in the room he just left hated the dentist with a passion, some more so than others, and the rest.... well they dealt with them. He was glad that Rooster Teeth has its own times set up with the clinic, so any problems that they have won't be released. Geoff sighed with a "damn it," and headed to his office.

He walked back in. "Hey Jack, Jeremy. I need to talk to you. Gents meeting." The host said. The two mentioned looked at eachother confused and followed the leader. When they got out of the room Geoff spoke up. "It's check up day for everyone. I need your help to keep Gavin in the office this time. I've notice he holds his damn British mouth whenever he eats." Geoff said. The other two nodded. They remember all too well what happened last time. Gavin had somehow found out about the appointment, and ran across the building from Geoff, while everyone else thought Gavin pranked him. When the others found out, the facility went into full lockdown until he was found, and it took those poor doctors 30 minutes to calm him down enough to lead him into the building. It then took six doctors and the boys to hold him down so the dentist could do his work. After that, Gavin didn't come in for a week because "they were being meanies".

"Do the others know?" Jeremy asked. Geoff nodded.
"We somehow have kept this from Gavin, Ray, and Michael." He said with a sigh. Jack had a look of guilt on his face. He felt bad for the Lads, especially Gavin. Gavin had told Jack why he was so afraid and it was no a pretty sight to imagine. However, he knew this was something that had to be done. Geoff noticed Jacks distress and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay dude? You seem upset." Geoff looked concerned. Jeremey also looked and nodded for Jack to talk.
"I'm just scared for Gavin, I kinda know why he's scared, but does he know we know about his toothache? I know he told me." Jack said. Geoff nodded.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll be damned if I let that happen again. I made sure he got a different doctor to help him. We'll be with him." Jeremey nodded.
"Besides, he has you, Ray, Michael, and us to help him. We'll get him through this." The short king added. They returned to the room. Gavin noticed Jacks distressed.
"You alright mate?" The British man asked. Jack nodded.
"Yeah." Was all he said before attempting to focusing on his game.
    Time skip to 2:30 pm.

Geoff stood up. "Lads, Gents, get in the car," Geoff said. Everyone did. Gavin turned to Michael as they were heading out, kinda confused.
"Do you know where we're going?" The Jersey boy shook his head.
"I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling about this if we don't know." The Brit nodded.
"Hey Gav, where are we going?" Ray asked, joining the conversation. Gavin shrugged.
"I don't know mate, but I'm kinda scared....." Gavin looked at Ray, kinda worried. Jack and Jeremey were walking behind them, looked at eachother. They hoped all went well.
Jack did feel bad, he knew Gavin has had a toothache for a while, and Jack was the one that told Geoff. Poor Gavin, maybe this experience can help him.

(Order in car: Geoff driving, Michael shotgun, Ray behind Geoff, Jeremey next to him, and Gavin and Jack in the back.)

   In the car (G is Gavin J is Jack.)
Jack texted Gavin: does 'it' still hurt?
G: 'a little. I'm scared to see where we're going.'
J: No matter what, know we care about you, even if we don't act like it.
G: Okay? Where are we going? You seem like you know something.
J: Im sorry.
J:  I can't tell you.
G: Sorry?
G: For what?
G: What can't you tell me??
G: What do you know??

    Jack couldn't reply because the car stopped. Gavin soon got his answer as he looked up and his eyes turned to saucers, but he wasn't alone. Ray and Michael both gave similar reactions. Geoff turned off the car and turned to look at Michael and sighed. Jack  looked at Gavin, and Jeremey at Ray. Geoff sighed. 

"Guys, don't be difficult." Was all the leader said before getting out of the car. Michael sighed and got out. Jeremey patted Ray on the arm.
"It'll be okay buddy. It won't hurt." Jeremey said, gently but firmly pulling Ray out. Gavin however, wasn't so easy to coax. Jack rubbed his back.
"Come on Gav, it'll make you feel better." Jack tried comforting. Gavin shook his head no, he began to sweat. Jeremey got back in when Gavin didn't come out after a minute.

"Come on Gavin. We need to go." He tried. He got the same response from Gavin as Jack did. He tried again. "Gav, buddy, listen, you need this. Just get on out, we'll come back with you and make sure you're okay. Come on." Gavin shook his head, putting his head in his hands, trying not to cry. The other two looked at each other in worry.

"What do we do Ryan?" Jack asked, continuing to rub the distressed males back.
"I'll get Geoff," Jeremey said, getting out. Two minutes later, Geoff got back in the car, and by this point, Gavin had started crying and Jack could just hold him and try calming him down.

"Gavin, we know you have a toothache. Let's go inside and get it fixed yeah? Then we can go back to the office and play more Minecraft." Geoff tried to reason. Gavin continued shaking his head no. Jack tried again.
"Hey, let's just get out of the car. We don't have to go inside, just get out of here." Geoff nodded at the others deal. Gavin took a minute to process, but nodded. They all got out of the car.
     Outside, the rest of the boys were waiting. Jack ended up carrying Gavin because he was still crying and shaking. Michael walked over to the pair.
"Gav, it's gonna be okay." He tried. Gavin shook his head, he didn't want to do this. He wanted to go home. Ray then walked over. No one could deny the bond they share, they have been friends since boyhood.

"Hey. We need to get this done. If you come to help me I'll help you. We can get through this together." He said. Gavin looked at him. He didn't want to, but he wanted to be there for Ray. Ray could see the confliction in his eye.

"Gavin, we all know about your toothache," Jeremey said. Gavin tensed. Geoff walked up to Gavin and looked him in the eye.
"We're here to help you through this, but you need to get your British ass inside." Gavin seemed to be thinking. "Jeremey, go check us in. We'll get started ad Jack and Gavin can go last." Geoff said. Said man nodded and went inside, with Ray and Michael following obediently. Geoff stood up. "Jack, I'll come check on you in five minutes. Try to calm Gavin down." He said, walking in.

"J-Jack... I'm scared...." Was all Gavin could say, hiding his face in Jack's shoulder when the door closed. Jack just held him close. 

"I know Gav, but it needs to get done. If it'll help you, I'll hold you." Jack reassured, patting Gavin's back.
"P-p-promise?" Gavin said quietly.
"Of course Gavin. I won't let go until you tell me to You're not going to be alone in this. " He said, standing up, with Gavin in his arms like a koala, a scared, helpless little koala. Jack walked in, a little nervous himself to see how it will go. For Gavin and for everyone else, he was worried that Gavin may get aggressive when his fear takes over.  He wasn't around when Gavin got this terrified. Jack knew somewhat of why Gavin keeps trying to run, but he didn't know it was this bad. Jack let out a sigh and began walking inside while keeping a firm grip on Gavin so he wouldn't: A. Fall or B. Run away... again.

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