Chapter 8- Gavin's turn... again

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*editing in progress*

Everyone smiled, he looked so calm. Michael stood up.

"I'm gonna go fill Ray and Jeremey in on what happened, get me when he wakes up." He said, walking out. Geoff nodded and sat in the corner chair, sighing in relief. Dr smith reached over and grabbed a numbing jelly. He then put on gloves and put some on his fingers, and with the other hand he gently opened Gavin's mouth, rubbing the area thoroughly with the gel. After a minute of letting the pre-numbing medicine work, he picked up a small syringe and injected it into Gavin's gums, emptying the contents and took out the needle and disposed of it.

"We'll let it sit for a few minutes before actually starting the procedure. But is it alright if I ask you guys a few questions about Gavin?" Smith asked the the other two nodded. "How long has he been afraid of my profession?" He started. The two boys looked at each other.

"Ummm.... as long as we can remember," Geoff said shrugging.

"Gavin apparently had a bad experience with he was a kid that he's not fully told us about yet," Jack said. The doctor nodded.

"Is there anything you can tell me about Gavin that he may be okay with?" Dr. smith inquired, who received a nod from Jack. "If you wouldn't mind telling me that would be wonderful, but I am going to get started with Gavin so we don't have to worry about him feeling anything while I work," Smith said, putting his mask back on. Jack nodded.

"When Gavin was a kid he lived in England with his mom and dad and one day he went to them and told them about a toothache he had, because he knew that's what he was supposed to do to get the pain to go away. Well, he went and apparently experienced more pain there than before, and the office was shut down the the doctor arrested, but he only ever went back once to get the tooth fixed, until he came to America and worked for us. We've managed mostly to get him through the appointments without too much fighting, but this time was different because he knew he had a toothache and didn't want to experience it again. He hasn't told anyone apparently about what he knew and saw from inside the exam room and also hasn't said anything about what he felt. But that's about as much as we know. His own mom doesn't know, she's tried to get him to talk but it hasn't worked." Jack said. Smith nodded as he continued working in Gavin's mouth. He paused briefly.

"That's awful, no wonder he's so afraid. He's afraid that he may experience the same thing again if he needed a filling the poor man I hope this appointment was what he needed to take a step towards overcoming this fear. I want to do what I can to help Gavin as much as I can." Dr. Smith said and the two nodded as the doctor got back to work. About five minutes later, Gavin was all done and the dentist had began cleaning up, after starting the flow of oxygen throughout the mask, to get the gas out of Gavin's lungs. "He did really well." The doctor commentated as Geoff texted Michael that they were done and for him to come back into the room.

"He really did," Geoff said looking at the man peacefully sleeping, who not even twenty minutes ago was freaking out.

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