Chapter 4- Jack's turn

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*editing in progress*

The doctor smiled as Jack passed off the scared boy, and took a seat in the patient's chair. Smith then put his mask and gloves on as he leans the seat back. Jack took a deep breath. Dr. Smith then began.

"Alright Jack, whenever you're ready can you open your mouth for me? I'm just going to start by looking around and removing some of the excess plaque off your teeth." He said. Jack nodded and opened his mouth. Gavin watched intently as Geoff tried to get him to focus on his questions, but Gavin couldn't focus on anything else, except making sure Jack was okay. Although, he did shudder a little whenever a new tool was presented. After about 5 minutes of trying to nudge Gavin to do his work and not watch Jack, Geoff decided it might be good for him, so he worked on what he could for him. Soon, the doctor paused and looked at Gavin, who seemed still mortified. "I'm going to polish his teeth now, and it may sound frightening, but it's safe." Dr. Smith said to Gavin, who nodded.

"Hey dr Smith, before you start can you excuse me for a minute? With Gavin's turn coming up I feel it would be best if he had another friend in here for him." Geoff said, standing up. Gavin tensed at the idea of him being almost alone with someone who he thought was a monster. Geoff seemed to catch onto this and put a reassuring hand on Gavin's back, while sending the British boy a reassuring smile. Gavin looked at Geoff in confusion and utter fear.

"Gavin, I'm going to be right back. Jack is in here too. I'll be back" he said walking out. Jack sat up.

"Of course, take as much time as you need, I'll also step out okay?" Dr. Smith said, walking out of the room for minute. Jack looked at Gavin, who was checking for any sign of being in pain.

"H-how I-I-is he?" Gavin asked. Jack walked over and rubbed Gavin's arm in an attempt to comfort him.

"He's so gentle. It doesn't hurt and he's good about checking for any signs of discomfort. I promise he isn't going to hurt you." Jack said. Gavin crawled into his lap again when Jack sat back in the corner and sobbed.

"I'm scared...." Was all he said. Jack nodded and began to rub Gavin's arm again, while the other arm is wrapped around Gavin's trembling body.

"I know Gavin... I know." The door opened and Geoff walked in with Ray. Geoff could swear his microscopic heart fucking broke at the sight of Gavin sobbing and constantly asking if Jack was okay. Ray walked over to Gavin.

"Hey buddy. Everything good?" He asked. Gavin shook his head no.

"What's wrong Vav? Has he done anything yet?" Ray asked. For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Gavin shook his head no. Ray looked at Jack concerned.

"He's scared, which you knew, but he's gotten to the point where he was close to a panic attack like 3 times. He's doing really well though, he even watched me." Jack said. Ray nodded. He sat next to Gavin, who crawled on his lap. Ray held him close, and confused as Jack returned to his spot on the chair.

"Hey Gavin, do you think we can have the doctor come back and finish with me?" Jack said. Gavin seemed unsure.

"He's gonna hurt you...." was his reply. Jack shook his head and smiled sympathetically.

"No, remember how I said Dr. Smith was really nice and gentle? I mean that. He hasn't hurt me and I'm sure he won't hurt you on purpose." He said. The Brit looked at Jack and sighed and nodded hesitantly, but he was gonna watch the doctor very carefully. Geoff saw the doctor poking his head in and nodded, to which the dentist returned with a smile.

"Alright Jack, we just have to check one more time and we should be good." Dr. Smith said. Gavin hid his face in Ray. He was scared. Geoff rubbed Gavin's back again, and Dr. Smith continued the exam. When he was done he sat the chair up and smiled warmly at Jack. "There's nothing wrong I can see. Good job Jack!" Dr. Smith praised.

"Thanks, Doc," Jack said, he walked over to Gavin and tried to take him from Ray, but Gavin had other plans. He didn't want it to be his turn. He clung to Ray tighter.

"Gav, go see Jack," Ray said.

" no." He said, tears falling down once again.

"Gavin," Geoff started. "Go see Jack. Look, doctor Smith isn't going to do anything yet. You're just going to see Jack and then sit down" he said, trying to pry him off Ray. They eventually succeeded in getting Gavin off of Ray... but he managed to get out the door and run down the hall and out the door faster than a scared rat before anyone could really process what just happened.

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