Chapter 3- Inside the Room

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*heavy editing in process*

     Jack was carrying Gavin, who was surprisingly light, and Geoff was leading them behind the assistant. Gavin whimpered every time they passed by an exam room. Eventually, the four stopped, and the woman in scrubs opened the door for the boys.

"The doctor will be in shortly." She said with a sympathetic smile on her face. Jack and Geoff nodded in thanks and when the door closed, Gavin began sobbing into Jack's shoulder yet again out of pure fear.

"Shhh," Jack said, pulling Gavin closer. Geoff was confused, was Gavin really this scared? Gavin continued to shake and sob, and all Jack could really do is hold him and rub his back. The other men looked at each other in worry.

"Gav, what's wrong?" Geoff asked in a gentle tone. Gavin shook his head no. He couldn't talk. Jack tried.

"Gavin, let's start over in the corner okay? I won't get in the chair just yet." He said, sitting down and pulling Gavin with him so he was sitting on Jack's lap. Geoff pulled an extra chair out and sat in front of them, and began rubbing Gavin's arm.

"C-can we j-j-just leave?" Gavin asked timidly, looking around the exam room rapidly.

"We've been over this, not yet. We have to get through the cleaning, and fixing your toothache, then we can head back to work." Jack said. Jack's heart began to melt, he felt bad for doing this to the poor boy, but this is necessary for his health. Gavin started crying harder and hid his face in Jack again when he heard the door open with a knock. The bearded men looked at the doctor who had a sympathetic look on his face. Along with his expression, he had gentle brown eyes and brunette hair. He stood at 6'0 and was well built. He seemed to be early twenties. Geoff rubbed Gavin's back as he hid his face in Jack's neck.

"Hi I'm doctor Smith and I'll be taking care of a... Gavin and Jack?" He said. Geoff stood up and shook the doctor's hand.

"I'm Geoff, the boy crying is Gavin, and that's Jack. I apologize for Gavin, he's a bit scared." He said. Jack nodded his head and Gavin continued to cry and let out small sobs. Jack rocked Gavin and continued to whisper words of comfort to the distressed boy.

"Well that's no problem, that's why I'm here. I specialize in white coat syndrome, and the other doctors think I can help Gavin out." The doctor reassured, sitting on his chair, pushing it away from the other males.

"So Jack, is it alright if I start with some questions for you and Gavin?" The doctor asked. Jack nodded but Gavin shook his head no. He didn't want to answer any questions, he just wanted to leave and never come back. "Alright, before we start, Gavin, if I have one of your friends hand you a clipboard with the questions do you think you can fill that out for me? You don't have to say a word to me right now." Dr. Smith asked Gavin, who took a few moments to process the question and then nod. The medical professional nodded and put a piece of paper on a clipboard, handing it to Geoff to give to Gavin. "Okay and Jack I'm just going to ask you the same questions." He said. Jack nodded. "Alright," Smith began, "Do you have any sort of anxiety or nerves when it comes to anything dealing with my profession?" The doctor asked. He avoids words like dentist, pain, and hurt because he knew it could cause someone more anxiety than they might have. Jack spoke up after a minute of contemplation.

"I don't really like it's nothing above normal" Jack answered. Smith nodded.

"And when was the last time you had a cleaning?" Again, Jack had to take a minute to think and also check on how Gavin was doing.

"About six months. Our job is pretty good at keeping on top of our medical records." The dentist looked pleased with this note.

"Okay before the next question, Gavin, are you doing alright?" The man asked. Gavin nodded. "Is anything confusing you?" Dr. Smith asked. Gavin shook his head rapidly. "Perfect, you're doing great. Okay Jack, any history of gum disease or anything of the sorts?" Jack thought for a moment.

"Not to my knowledge" was his reply. The doctor nodded.

"Well, that's about all I have because you don't have amplified white coat syndrome. If you're ready you can come take a seat over on this chair and we'll get started." Dr. Smith said. Jack needed to get Gavin off him so he could show him it wasn't that bad.

"Gavin, bud, I'm gonna give you to Geoff so I can get my cleaning okay? I'll be just across the room. You just keep filling out the paper okay?" Jack said. Gavin's breathing hitched.

"No... He's gonna hurt you..." Gavin said, clinging to Jack tighter.

"No, he's not, he's just gonna give me a check-up. You go to Geoff and watch me okay? I'm going to be perfectly safe over there, you just watch and see okay?" Jack compromised. Gavin nodded. Geoff took that as his cue and took Gavin from Jack's arms and set him on his lap, and continued helping him fill out the paper. Geoff also continued to rub Gavin's back and try to calm him down as well as whisper words of comfort to the poor lad. Spoiler alert: It didn't work as well as Jack and Geoff had hoped. But Gavin was at least in the exam room, and they consider that as progress. 

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