Chapter 7- Wake Up Gavin!

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*editing in progress*

As Jeremey went out, Michael continued to damp the paper towel and wipe Gavin's face. Geoff lifted the fainted man's legs in an attempt to get blood back into his face. Jack continued holding Gavin and tried shaking him. Ray took a step back, he didn't know what to do. When the doctor came back in with a canister of air, Jeremey took Ray out of the room. Jeremey had immediately seen Ray go paler when Gavin fainted and figured that he needed air to help him. The last thing the team needed was another fainted person. The doctor placed a mask on Gavin's face and started the flow of oxygen, as well as a blanket on Gavin. Michael had also stepped back so the doctor could do his work.

"I'm so sorry about this doctor Smith. I didn't think Gavin would do this." Geoff apologized. The doctor dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

"Don't worry about it, I've seen this before, it's perfectly normal for someone with severe white-coat syndrome to pass out when overwhelmed in a medical situation. You did well by putting the cool paper towel on his forehead, and elevating his feet. We'll let the oxygen flow for a few more minutes and we'll just wait for him to wake up." Smith said. It was another five minutes until Gavin let out a groan. Everyone looked at Gavin, who was slowly waking up. He opened his eyes and looked confused. He went to take off the mask but was stopped by Jack's hand.

"Leave it on for a few minutes okay Gavin?" Jack said. Gavin was still out of it but nodded. After another minute or two, Gavin came fully back into reality. When he saw where he was, he began struggling again.

"Woah Gavin, calm down, the doctors not doing anything yet." Michael tried. Gavin began fighting Jack's grip, and Geoff's hold on his legs.

"Gavin listen to me. You need to breathe." Geoff said. Gavin nodded and tried, but wasn't getting too far.

"Gavin," Dr. Smith said, "can you tell me his name?" He asked, pointing to Geoff. "H-h-his name's G-g-geo-Geoff..." Dr. Smith nodded.

"And what's his name?" He inquired, pointing at Michael.

"I-it's my b-boy M-Michael." Michael nodded and so did Dr. Smith.

"And who's holding you?"

"I think it's..... Jack?" Gavin said, making it sound like a question, which lead the doctor to nod in approval. Gavin's breathing had begun to become more normal, and he was calming down.

"Very good Gavin, I'm proud of you for doing that. I'm going to remove the mask now as well. Do you know what we just did?" Dr. Smith asked. The man in question shook his head no as the doctor took off the mask on Gavin's face. "We just got you to come out of a panic attack. Do you know what that is?" He asked and Gavin nodded. He felt bad though, making everyone waste their day with his stupid fear. He tried hiding the guilt on his face but it wasn't very good, and Michael saw this.

"Gavin, you're fine. We want to be here to help you." He said as if he just read Gavin's mind like an open book. Gavin took another few deep breaths as if he was thinking about it.

"Gavin, you need the fucking filling. Corporate requires any and all dental treatment to be done on the same day unless certain situations arise." Geoff said. Gavin started to panic again.

"Gav, we're right here," Jack said. The doctor spoke up.

"Gavin, we can go over some options with you to help try and make this experience better, okay?" Dr. Smith said and Gavin nodded. "Great! So we can do the traditional, you're awake and we numb you up and do the filling, or we can give you some Nitrous Oxide, or commonly known as laughing gas, to help calm you down, which might result in you falling asleep but that's normal. We can also do sedation, where we put you nicely to sleep, using a small injection in your arm, and then do the filling, all while you're completely out of it." The doctor said. Gavin looked at Geoff.

"You can pick whatever option you want." Was all the other man said to the frightened boy.

"I-if I'm asleep, can the others stay?" Gavin asked the doctor with fear in his voice and apprehension in his eyes.

"Of course, they don't have to go anywhere. I want to assure you again Gavin, I want to make this as easy and as comfortable for you as I can, and if they make you feel more comfortable, they can stay." The doctor reassured Gavin.

"C-can I have a minute with Jack please?" Gavin asked. The others nodded and left the room. Gavin got up after removing the blanket and began pacing, something he did when he was scared. "What do you think I should do?" He asked. Jack looked at him with compassion.

"I personally think you getting the gas wouldn't be a bad thing. You'd be calmer and you would hardly remember a thing. And yes, before you ask, I'd stay with you no matter what option." Jack said, standing up and stretching. Gavin looked relieved with Jack's words. He thought about it. He then knew what he wanted. He looked at Jack and they both nodded in silent agreement. Jack went to the door and opened it, letting everyone come back in.

"So Gavin, what did you decide?" The doctor asked. Gavin nodded and looked at Jack, who nodded in reassurance.

"We decided to do gas, just because it may help him be calm," Jack said for Gavin, who nodded.

"Wonderful, if you'll excuse me again for a moment, I'll go get the gas for you okay?" The doctor said and Gavin nodded. When he left the room Gavin was greeted by a hug from Michael.

"I'm proud of you." He said.

"Thanks, boy," Gavin said, returning the gesture. Geoff patted Gavin's back. Gavin didn't want to break the hug off. He liked it. He felt safe. Michael must've sensed this because he didn't let go.

"We're proud of you Gavin. You've been through a lot today." Geoff said. Said man nodded in agreement.

"Only a little more to go Gavin. You're almost done." Jack said. The doctor then knocked on the door and entered with a canister of Nitrous. He set it down and smiled at what he saw. The scarred man looked at the canister and whimpered.

"Easy Gavin, it's gonna help you," Michael whispered to him. After another minute, Gavin finally broke off the hug and looked at Jack who nodded. Jack sat back on the chair and waited for Gavin, who got nervous again. Michael and Geoff noticed and began nudging Gavin towards what he felt was his doom.

"Gavin, it's a chair. It's not gonna kill you." Geoff said.

"Hey Gavin, how about you sit back down with Jack, and when you get comfortable, we'll have you put the mask on, as well as the blanket I laid on you when you passed out, and when you're comfortable, we'll start the Nitrous. And I won't start until you're well into sleep land, also completely numb, and we'll make sure you're well taken care of." Dr. Smith said to Gavin, who looked at Geoff, who gave them an encouraging nod, so he nodded. The dentist then picked up a mask and handed it to Gavin, who had sat back down with Jack. "Go ahead and look at it and just get comfortable with it, and when you're ready, put it on. You're completely in control." The dentist reassured. Gavin took a minute and looked at the weird thing in his hands. 'It's not gonna kill me... it's not gonna kill me...' Gavin thought to himself while continuing to look at the foreign object. He sighed and put it on with a little help from Jack, and the dentist looked at him proudly. "Okay Gavin, I'm gonna start some gas now, it may make you sleepy, but that's normal. And if at any point you need a break, just raise your hand up and I'll stop right away. Sound good?" Dr. Smith asked. Gavin looked at Geoff and Michael, who nodded at him. He nodded back and then nodded at the man who was about to put metal in his mouth. "Okay then, I'm gonna start some gas now. Just breathe normally, you're doing great." Smith said, turning a knob on the canister. Gavin felt scared one moment and another he started to feel lighter than a feather. His eyes began to shut after a minute of having the gas mask on but tried to fight it.

"Don't fight it, Gavin," Geoff said as he put the blanket back over Gavin.

"Just sleep, we'll protect you," Michael said.

"You're gonna be okay, just take a nap okay?" Jack said, rubbing Gavin's arm. Gavin nodded, and shut his eyes, and soon visibly relaxed, and had gone into dreamland. The tense air seemed to erase itself as the British boy drifted off into a blissful rest. 

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