ֆɛʋɛռ: ƈǟɢɛɖ ֆքɨɖɛʀ

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Peter looked out the window blankly, avoiding eye contact with Tony, He felt too ashamed, too angry, too sad to make eye contact with him.

Peter saw Tony sit on one of the chairs beside the lab bed.

"Don't I even get a hello?" Tony asked cautiously, He knew he was walking on thin ice. It wasn't easy to lose your aunt and then run from social services and the Avengers.

It's a lot.

Peter remained quiet but now the anger in him was overruling all other emotions."Why'd you bring me here Mr.Stark?" He spat out.

"Why'd you run?" Tony shot back.

"I don't have to answer anything to you, " Peter said bitterly, he knew he was acting like a total brat right now, but he was only doing that to hide how he actually felt.


"Trust me, you really should," Tony said calmly.

"Well, I won't and I'm also going to go now, thank you for your service," Peter said while getting up.

"Sit your ass back down," Tony said sounding strangely like a dad

"You can't keep me here," Peter said his voice sounding louder than it was supposed too.

Tony stood up, marching over to where Peter was standing, towering over him.

"Well guess what kid? I'm Tony Stark and I can do whatever I want," Tony said slowly. Now would be the time that anyone in Peter's place would go running to their parents.

But Peter doesn't have parents.
(A/N: Ouch that was harsh, even from me,)

He stood his ground as well, "I'm not telling you anything, Mr.Stark,"

"You do realize that I can get you arrested and then make you go to juvie, right?" Tony asked rhetorically, trying to scare him into telling the truth.

"Just leave me alone," Peter yelled.

"Fine," Tony simply said before exiting the room, going straight to his lab.

Meanwhile, Peter decided to exit the room, he pushed the doorknob, only for nothing to happen.

After a couple more attempts he realized that Tony had locked him in, tears sprung at his eyes at the way Tony Stark was treating him, like a prisoner.

Peter slowly made his way back to the bed, wrapping his arms around his knees, letting a few silent tears escape.

After a few moments, Steve Rogers decided to go check on the teen.

"Hey, Peter," Steve spoke while entering the room.

Peter didn't respond, which is kinda what Steve expected.

"I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry for hitting you with my shield,"

"It's fine," Peter spoke quietly, the wound had probably healed by now.

"Why don't you just tell Tony everything, and then you can at least get out of the room," Steve said trying to make Peter understand.

"So you know, he locked me in this room," Peter let out a bitter chuckle.

Steve stayed quiet, "I'm really sorry but it's between Tony and you, I don't want to intrude," Steve spoke after a while.

"Whatever, why don't you just go?" Peter spoke.

"I'm sorry," Steve said one last time before exiting the room.

After what felt like years, Tony finally opened the door, "There's food for you," Tony said bringing Peter a plate.

"When are you letting me out?" Peter asked.

"After you tell me, why you did everything you did?" Tony spoke.

Peter remained silent, not even making eye contact with Tony.

Tony let out a sigh, "Fine, don't tell me then," Tony said going towards the door.


This story is such a mess because of the editing rn.

I'm so sorry.

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