Zack intro

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Back story from LittleMissCartoonz

when I was born I scared my parents I had red demon-like eyes a pure black hair. after they brought me home they just put me in the basement and left me hoping I would die but no. even now I don't know how I did but as I grew up they beat me a lot. 

and never fed me hoping I would just die but that never happened now when there was company over or they would take me out in public they would put on an act and say I've always been skinny and say that I loved to fight that's why I was covered in scars and bruises. as time went on I somehow got stronger and when I turned 16 I found out I had powers, fire, ice, electric and the power to make plants appear and grow where ever I want.

when I turned 17 I learned how to control them and use them at will. one day my parents came into the basement and I froze their feet the ground all I could do was smile as I watched them struggle. I soon electrocuted one and it impaled the other with vines I would say this was the first time I felt happiness and it was amazing. I soon left and just wandered till I wanted to kill again

(THE drawling is also from LittleMissCartoonz sorry its short I just pasted this from my email since she sent me his back story)

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