he's back

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This is Lisa's look in the story

Zack's P.O.V.

After she was done talking I look up with my stone cold emotionless face "fine if that's how you want it. I'll treat you the same way I treat everyone else" I turn and walk past but I stop and glance at her "since you don't want me close to you in any way that gives anyone and everyone free rain to hurt you in any way." Then I lean in a whisper to her "and I won't be there to save you" Even though deep down I don't want that but if she don't want me near her then fine.

I leave and get on the phone "Lisa I'm calling in that favor." She hummed "what do you need?" She asked I could tell shes working and eating "I need your to scare Nikita and maybe hurt her a little mostly to see if she really will call for me and want me to help her" "Hmm and if she doesn't call for you? " I think and scoff "if she calls for her boyfriend then I guess rough him up a bit. But if he runs off and doesn't save her I'll kill him myself" She started laughing "alright what ever you say also you need to cut back on hanging out with Levi you sound like him" I rolled my eyes "I'm not yandere it's just he's running and not saving her he's saving himself and he shouldn't do that he needs to be there no matter what and help her" She hummed "alright I'll be there tomorrow after school just make sure your hidden but close by" "Ok" I hung up and went on with my day ignoring her and giving her the cold shoulder and the same look I gave everyone.


"fine if that's how you want it. I'll treat you the same way I treat everyone else" he turn and walk past me but he stop and glance at me "since you don't want me close to you in any way that gives anyone and everyone free rain to hurt you in any way." Then he lean in a whisper to me "and I won't be there to save you" I got scared then walked off and looked at him but stayed with Ben but he would push me off and say I'm to clingy.

Next day
After school I walked out and saw no one was around which was weird but soon walked to my bike then a girl came out of nowhere and attacked me. "Get off me!" "Awe you scared little girl?" "Please let me go please." She pulls out a knife out and cuts my neck just a bit. "Ahhhhhh!" "Where's your your saver now girl!" "Z-z... Ben HELP ME!" I just hoped he heard me since his car was here then I saw him making out with some girl. "Please stop let me go the only one I ever loved just came back to me but I blow it." She cuts me again and I just screamed. "ZACK HELP ME PLEASE I'M SORRY PLEASE I NEED YOU!"

Zack's P.O.V.
I smile and wait for a bit before i jump down from the roof of the school and i take out one of my katanas and ran as Lisa full speed. i fought with her for a bit till i put the katana through her shoulder "you put up a good fight" she said and took the katana out and quickly left most likly to go heal but oh well. i look over at her "your luckly i could have left" i put my katana in my cloak and i tighten my mask since it was falling off and i start to walk away. "Zack wait please, I don't want to be alone and Ben is a pig so... what I'm trying to say I'm sorry." I stopped and looked at her then walked to her and got down to her level. "About time you said that." She smiles and hugs me and I hug back. "I misses you so much, my life was horrible with out you." "I love Zack." I smiled and hugged tighter.

I carried her home and layer her down and cleaned her cuts then pull my mask off knowing she hates t when I'm wearing it when its just us then the unexpected happened. She kisses me and I'm just frozen in my spot then she pulls away and looks down. "I'm sorry." "No don't be I was just shocked so lets try that again." She smiles and leans in and I do the same and we meet in the middle and I kiss back and the love for her just grow more then it has and I was glade to have her in my life. We soon pull away and hold her close then her no good boyfriend opted into my head. "Ill be back." "Ok and make sure he suffers." "I will." I grabbed my mask then pecked her lips before putting my mask on and ran out to kill her boyfriend well EX boyfriend I should say since she was mine once again.

Hey guys I just want to thank LittleMissCartoonz for helping me write this chapter thanks you so much and it made the biggest surprise in the end so much better so thank you so much and let me know if you need help with your angle book

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