Meeting his friends takes his mask off

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It's been a month since I meet the mask stranger and I soon learned his name was Zach and he was very sweet and perceptive over me and I found it sweet but if one person looks or saw one thing bad to or about me he will show up and kill them and I found it very cute. "Zack?" "Yes my dear?" "Heheh, um when can I meet your friends?" He looks at me in shock and his face looks horrified. "Um I'm not sure you would want to meet them they are a bit scary and killers." "Your a killer and I'm not scared of you?" "Yes because you never seen me with out my mask." "And i would like to." "Why I'll scare you away." I moved closer and put my hands on his mask but he grabs my arms like he did the first day he meet me. "Don't." "I wont be sacred please." He looks in my eyes looking for any signs of a lie and his grip losses and I pull his masks down and gasp. "I'm ugly I know." "What?" I grabbed his face and ran my thumbs over his stitches and smile. "No your handsome so what  you have stitches in a shape of an X I'm still here." He looks at me and I see a small smiles then kiss his nosed and put his mask on wrong on peruse and he laughs. "You put it on wrong." "I meant to dummy." I got up and messes his bangs up and ran downstairs to the door. "Yes?" I saw was five Guys and they were covered in blood and one was tall. "AHHHHHH!" I fell back then I saw Zack running down and he picked me up. "I told you they were scary." "Wait these are your friends?" He looks down and I holds his head up and smile. "Watch this." I walked to his friends with a sweet smile and one was eyeing me in a way. "Hello I'm Nikita a friends of Zacks and I'm sorry for screaming you surprised me but you are?" The tall one steps up and bows. "I'm slender man child." "Hello." Then a boy with a blue mask with black stuff running down it steps up what's with them and mask? "I'm eyeless jack." "Hi." Then a boy with blonde hair and a green outfit and blood running down his eyes comes closer. "I'm ben drowned." His voices sounded like glitches but sweet. "Hello Ben." I then looked to the boy in a white hoodie and and black jeans and a carved smile and black hair. "I'm Jeff the killer and I want you to go-" Zack get in his faces and growls. "You touched her I end you!" Jeff chuckles then looks at me. "I wont hurt you." "O-ok." Zack walks to me and hugs me and tries to calm my nerves then he whispers in my ear and I smiles. "Well you all can come in if you like?" "Oh thank you but we came to get Zack he is needed." "Oh ok just one second." I grabbed Zacks hand and pulled to another room then looked him in hes eyes. "Do they know what you look like without our mask." "No your the only one." I pulled his mask down and kissed his nosed then put it back on. "Please come back you know I can't sleep alone in this house." "Ill be quick don't worry." He fixes his mask and runs out and I go to my room and read until he gets back.

I had to fix some spelling errors but hoped you like it

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