attack pt2

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Zack's P.O.V.

(In the picture above pretend that person in Zack)

"NIKIAT!" I ran over and looked at her and I had tears in my eyes and I could  tell from the blood loss she was was fading out and then she shut her eyes and I screamed her name then things went quite. I sat there crying for the first time ever I was crying and I couldn't stop the tears then Slender tried to take he but I screamed at him and told him not to touch her. "Zach she need a hospital." He changed his form and picked her up and he took her to the hospital. "Its my fault." "Its not." "YES IT IS I DIDN'T GET TO HER IN TIME!"  slender tried to touch me but I moved away from him then walked out my tears stopped and my emotions were gone once again but pure rage and I'm going to take it out on whatever I see or who ever tries top touch me, then I remembered murderous was still alive and got away. "I'm coming for you murderous!" I ran down the streets then to the wood and to the house he took her too and ripped it apart until I found him on the roof and ripped him to the floor with my vines. "AHHH!" "YOU SICK  DEMON YOU PUT HER IN THE HOSPITAL!" "She got what she deserved she hangs around you." I throw my vines at him but caught it. "You got to do better then that boy!" I then sent an electric shook throw my vine and he let go. "Hows that for better?" He then lunged at me and tackled me to the ground. "Ahhh!" I set his shoulder on fire to make him let me go but he claws me in the proses the froze his feet to the floor then I grabbed my katakana's and he looks at me. "You weak little boy you use your powers to slow my down ahhhh!" I cut his arm off then his other hand and he yelps in pain. "You little-" I freeze his tongue to make him shut up then I cut his chest and his face. "You fucker hurt Nikita so now im going to kill you!" "Go ahead I'll just come back twice as stronger." "We'll see about that!" I hissed then cut his head off and his body fell back then ran out and ran to Nikita's to wash up then back to the hospital to see slender waiting for me. "Is she ok?" I had no emotion like I didn't care but I did. "She's asking for you room 134." I ran to her room and when I got to her door she looked at me and she looked tired. "Stop with the no emotion thing its really bugging me."

Nikita's P.O.V.

"Stop with the no emotion thing its really bugging me." He chuckled and smiled then walked to me. "Why is your hair wet?" "I went to kill that basterd for hurting you so I went to wash up." I looked at him then he looks down. "Zack?" "I'm sorry for laughing at you I had no right to do that." "Its ok im over it Zack and thank you for saving me." He smiles a bit then I pull him down and give him a peck on the cheek and then turn red. "Um thanks." "Your welcome." He smiles then he climbs into my bed the best he can without hurting me and then holds me in his arms but he had no emotion. "You ok?" "I'm beating myself up." "For what?" "Not saving you I hate how you got hurt and taken with I was only a few feet away." I make him look at me and he still a straight face. "You tried and thats all that matters to me Zack." His eyes were glasses over and I could tell he close to crying. "Hey if you cry I cry so don't so it." He smiles and blinks a few times then he looks at the wall while his head was on mine I knew be was emotionless and barely showed emotion and when he did I loved it he was someone I could count on more then my family.

I get out of the hospital a few weeks later then say home for a while do to the pain of walking Zack had to carry me in the house and I smiled. "Welcome home I guess." "Ugh." He smirks and then lays me down gently in my bed. I soon started to fall asleep then I felt a pair of lips on my head then the door shut.

I woke up to an empty bed so I slowly walked to the kitchen and it was empty the whole house was then I saw note on the fridge.

"Dear Nikita,
I'm sorry but I had to leave for a while I learned that I'm not good for you to be around. I hope you stay safer with out me and try to forget me as much as you can, I know this will kill you because we became good friends but it's for the best I'm sorry.

I fell to my knees in agony and heartache he was gone

Zack (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang