I left her.

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Zack's P.O.V.

I left her to keep her safe and I saw her reading the letter then fall to her knees then Lisa pulls up on her bike and I get on and we drive off. "You love her don't you?" "I'm a monster and I have no emotion so I don't love." She just shakes her head and drives faster and I look back to see her house disappears under the hills and I let a tear fall then wipe it way and act like I was fixing my hair I couldn't keep her safe at all even if i'm a killer and heartless but its for the best. "Lisa am I bad person?" "No your only thinking about her safety." "But they way she looked when she read the note and how she feel to the floor." "She loves you Zack more then you think and it kills her that your not there." I looked down and then pulled up to the mansion and everyone was busy and I just went to my room and then others looked my way but I ignored them. "I fell in love with a mortal." I fell face first into the bed and she poppedinto my head and I just felt guilt then shot up and throw my clock at the wall in rage sreaming. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I then fell to the floor and made vines grow on the walls and red ice on them and I soon fall asleep and she comes to my head again and I just leave my mind alone since this is the only way to see her now.

Nikita's P.O.V.

It took my a good ten minutes to get off the floor and make it back to my room with tears in my  eyes. "He left me." I sat on my bed and tried to get him out but failed. "AHHHHHH LEAVE MY BRAIN!" I lay back and then I got so frustrated I throw a glass at the wall and it shatters and I get hit by some glass but didn't care. "Why did you leave me?" I then remembered slender man gave me his number to his mansion, I walked to my phone and called him. "Hello?" "Slendy?" "Nikita you ok?" "Is he there Zack is he?" "Huh I can't give you his location I'm sorry." "You just gave me my answer." "Nikita."

Slenderman's P.O.V.

Hello?" "Slendy?" "Nikita you ok?" "Is he there Zack is he?" "Huh I can't give you his location I'm sorry." "You just gave me my answer." "Nikita." I heard her sigh and then Zack walked in and  put my finger to my lips and put the phone on speaker. "Slendy if he is there can you give him a message?" "Sure child." "Tell him im sorry I wasn't good enough for him to be be around, and that I'm just a girl that was better off dead." "Child?" "Please let me finish." I kept quiet and looked at Zack and he wanted to scream at her for thinking that way. "I'm sorry I didn't make it to where you didn't want to stay with me and be with me as a friend and I'm sorry I'm a broken weak little girl." She let a sniff out Zack was on the floor and this was the first time I saw him cry and he had to cover his mouth to keep the sobs in. "Nikita." "Goodbye slendy I hope he finds someone that can fix him or at least make him happy." She hung up then Zack panicked. "No please no call her back she has to know." I grabbed him and he was trying to get to the phone but I knew Nikita unhooked the phone don't was point less. "She unplugged the phone it's point less." "She thinks I hate her and she's weak." "She's hurt right now that all." He looks at the ground then walks out then his door slammed and everyone asked me what happened and I told them to just leave it alone I knew there both in pain Zack just covers it up with his  no emotion act but that girl gave him emotion and he won't say so he keeps saying he has no emotion well that's bullshit he just fell to the floor crying over her and mow he's going to shut his feelings and emotions off away and who knows how long it will be until he turns it back on. "Huh."

Nikita's P.O.V.

I hung up and cried over the emotionless boy I fell for and I hated it I hated being broken and mostly alone. "I love you Zack but you will never know." I Unplugged the phone and went to my room and cried until I fell asleep and to make things worse my bed smelt like him and my dreams were full of him and I just let it go. "I love you." I whispered then drifted off to sleep.

Hey my lovelys I hope you like this chapter and you don't tear up much I know I did and I wrote it so yeah I hope like it so far next chapter is later on.

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