We had joy, we had fun

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Rian’s P.O.V

“Hey Ri, you ready to go?” I nod and get on my feet, brushing the sand off my jeans as I walk over to the others. Ivory is leaning against a tree waiting for me to catch up and Millie is standing a few meters away, looking at something she’s holding.

“What’s that?” I ask Ivory and point at whatever it is Millie’s holding.

“It’s her planeticket, I don’t know what she’s doing.” She tells me, obviously not interested, before walking away. I walk behind her until we catch up with Millie and I then slow down a little, letting Ivory run off ahead of us.

“What are you doing with that Mi? They’re not gonna check if you still have it when they come and rescue us.” I put my arm around her shoulder and she looks up at me, clearly confused. “I’m messing with you.” I explain and she smiles softly, looking away. She’s never been one to talk much but she hasn’t said more than ten words since we got here and it’s starting to worry me. Normally when she gets this quiet it’s because she’s thinking of something that’s really bothering her and that would be understandable, seeing that we’re stuck here, but she seems fine with the whole “stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere” thing so that can’t be it. “For real though, what are you doing with it? And don’t tell me it’s nothing because I can tell you’re worrying.”

“It’s just...We were supposed to land on the 6th right? And that was two nights ago, so now it’s the 8th, and my parents are going to be away for weeks so they won’t know I’m missing and when they get back they’ll be so worried and they’ll feel like such bad parents and I don’t want them to because I can’t even remember the last thing I said to them and we could all die here a-”

“Hey, stop that.” I pull her into a hug to get her to stop talking and luckily it works, because I don’t think I could have listened to that much longer without starting to cry. “We’re going to be fine, your parents are going to be fine and they know you love them very much. Come on now, let’s go.” I take her hand and pull her with me as I walk up to Ivory, who had stopped dead in her tracks, staring at something ahead of us. “What’s up?” I ask her, but before she gets a chance to answer I’ve discovered it myself. Fifty meters away, getting closer by the second, there’s a man.

“How did you get out?” The man, who introduced himself as Liam, asks us. We’re sitting in the shadow of a palmtree, eating the fruit he was carrying and haven’t really said much more than our names. Liam seems nice, and the fact that he shared the fruit with us makes me like him even more, but food is food and I am starving.

“Windows.” Millie tells him before picking up another banana and peeling it. “They got smashed in when the plane hit the water and we climbed out. Ri was first and she climbed up onto the plane and helped us up and then we just swam away from it.” Liam nods before standing up.

“Well ladies. As much as I’d love to stay here and talk to you, I do have to get back to camp before it get’s too hot in the sun. You’re coming with me right? We can talk as we go.” I don’t think he’s aware of it but his voice changes as he stands up and the question doesn’t really sound as a question. He’s probably been in the army or something, the way he talks and moves are so….armyish.

“Yeah, we’re coming.” I stand up, pulling Ivory with me. Liam helps Millie up and then we start walking. Liam carries the jacket with the fruit that’s left and even though we all offer to carry it he refuses to let us, something I assume he learnt in the army, that he must protect women or something. Not that I mind, I only offered to carry it to be polite, in reality I’m too tired to do much more than walk. “Now you know how we ended up here, tell us your story, are you alone here?”

Staring at the sun // 1D & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now