Risking it

141 11 6

Louis P.O.V

We’re scared, all of us. It’s been four days since Ashton’s accident, since that woman came to our camp and tried to...I don’t know. What I do know is that no one leaves camp alone anymore, no one. Liam and Rian doesn’t go hunting anymore and we’re sticking to eating fruit. Not that I mind, it feels safer knowing we’re all at the same place most of the time, especially since they’re the only ones who can handle a weapon without accidentally hurting anyone.

“What’s on your mind Lou?” Two strong arms are wrapped around my waist and Harry pulls me into his lap. It’s crazy when you think about i, five weeks ago we didn’t know each other and now here we are, depending on each other.

“I’m scared.” I lean back, resting my head against his chest and closing my eyes. “I’m so scared Harry, I just wanna go home.” I can feel him nodding but he doesn’t say anything, instead he starts playing with my hair.

“It’s Niall’s birthday today.” He tells me after a while, changing the subject. “I wanted to do something special, like we did for Riam, but now...it just doesn’t feel safe leaving the camp.” I don’t say anything for a while but then I get on my feet and turn around to look at him.

“We’ll go together.” I tell him. It wouldn’t be fair to just ignore the fact that Niall’s turning twenty when we had a party to celebrate the others, strange killer lady or not. Harry seems to understand what I’m thinking because he takes the hand I’m holding up and gets on his feet, not letting go of it when he’s up but squeezing it before heading over to the camp with me next to him.

“So do you guys think you can work somthing out?” Harry asks, looking over at Luke and Calum, who nods. Harry nods too before continuing to pace back and forth. “Good, that’s great. So we obviously can’t count on Ashton to do anything, although we should talk to him about it, maybe he can keep Niall occupied, and Michael…?” He looks over at Luke, who shakes his head. “Alright, but we still have the girls, Liam, Zayn and us four. We’re gonna go get some fresh fruit and I was thinking we could ask Liam and Zayn to like….I don’t know maybe collect firewood or something, because we need to make sure the fire is a lot bigger than this one.”

“Alright Harry you know what, we’ll get it done. Go get the fruit now.” Calum gets up and walks over to Harry, putting his hands on his shoulders and making him look into his eyes. “We’ve got this.” It looks like they’re about to kiss, it really does, but I know that they won’t and I also know that if I had tried to do that it wouldn’t have had the same effect, since I’m a lot shorter than Harry and Calum isn’t, in fact I think he might be taller. All the australians are quite tall actually, especially Luke and he’s not even done growing yet.

“Yeah, come on Haz let’s go.” I grab his hand, pulling him away from Calum and Luke. We head over to the fireplace to get some kind of weapon, just in case we run into the woman. Once we get there we find Liam and Zayn sitting on a log by the fire, carefully poking it while talking about something. “Hi guys, we were just looking for you.” I say, letting go of Harry’s hand and hurrrying over to the others. Once I’ve made sure Niall isn’t anywhere close by I tell them about our plan, mentioning how we thought they could get some more firewood and how maybe Ashton can make sure Niall doesn’t find out. “Luke or Calum has probably talked to him about it though, so don’t worry about it.” Liam nods before standing up and walking over to their shelter. He comes back after a minute or so, now holding what I think is a knife.

“Take this.” He says, handing it to Harry. “We have two and if you’re going to be out there you’ll need one, we’ll leave the other one here.” Harry nods, putting the knife in his pocket before turning to me.

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