Blackberries And Bracelets

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Niall's P.O.V

"Could you please stop being so damn cute! I'm gonna throw up all over you!" I glare at Louis and Harry as I walk past them. It's been four days since they went on a date and they've been acting like a couple ever since, it's disgustingly cute.

"Second that." Ashton sighs and sits down in the sand next to me. "Like seriously, it's not fair. Everyone else here's single and you two are just sitting there being all coupley and it's making me jealous, I want a girlfriend."

"Ask Niall, maybe he'll cuddle with you." Harry suggests, smiling as Louis runs his fingers through his curls again. "Or Calum, he's been complaining about me stealing Louis from him." Louis laughs at this and Calum throws a seashell at Harry.

"Hate to break this to you Haz but Niall and Calum are boys." Luke and Michael comes walking over to us and Luke immediately throws himself down in the sand next to Calum. Michael just stands there, with his hands in his pockets, and looks like he wants nothing more than to leave and go back to wherever they came from until Luke grabs his hoodie and pulls him down next to him. I try not to stare at them but it's really hard, I've never seen Michael being this close to anyone before and I've never seen him this relaxed, even though he seems uncomfortable. Luke seems to notice this because he puts an arm around Michael's shoulders and pulls him closer. "You know they have penises and no boobs."

"Have you seen their penises Lucas?" Harry asks, smirking as Luke blushes and opens his mouth to answer, but he doesn't get the chance to before Millie and Ivory comes over with Zayn trailing behind.

"Hi guys, we need to talk to you." Millie and Ivory sits down in front of us while Zayn takes the place between me and Calum.

"Please don't tell me someone's pregnant, because I don't think we can handle that here." Harry says, smiling. The rest of us laughs, everyone except for Zayn who suddenly looks really...sad? Almost as if he's trying hard not to cry. Maybe I should talk to him later, he's been a lot more quiet recently.

"No, no one's pregnant." Ivory says. "At least not that I know of. No what we wanted to talk to you about is birthdays."

"I like birthdays!" Ashton exclaims. "We've missed mine though, that was in July." he high-fives Luke when hearing that his birthday is in July as well.

"Well tomorrow it's the 29th, it's Rian's birthday." Millie takes out a small paper and holds it up. It's her plane ticket, and on it she's been counting the days. "See? And Zayn told us Liam's birthday is tomorrow as well."

"We thought we should celebrate it, since nothing ever happens here anyway, and we figured the best way to do that would be with a surprise party, since they're out all day hunting and that would give us the perfect opportunity to get things set up." Harry sits up, earning a pout from Louis, and slowly nods.

"This is a really good idea. We have to fix gifts to them, and food and everything." Ivory nods excitedly and gets on her feet.

"Me and Millie already know what we're going to give them, and we figured we'd take Lily too so that she won't be in anyone's way."

"Dude, we should be in charge of the food!" Ashton says, throwing a small rock at me. "Calum too, we could definitely make it the best party food ever, and that'll be a great gift!"

"You're lazy, but I like it." I smile and get on my feet, walking over to him and helping him to get on his feet. "Come on, let's go plan it. Calum, you coming too?" Calum nods and gets on his feet, following us as we head over to the camp to see what we have and what we need to get. "So basically what we need is fruit right? Because Liam and Rian are hunting and we can't just ask them to get some extra ducks for tomorrow, we'll have to use what we got and try to save as much of the meat from tonight as possible."

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